WEF Say Prepare for New Pandemics

2 years ago

I tried to boost the volume on Tedros. The source video, you could hardly hear him. I think this is a bit better.

Funny when I was growing up there was "occasional" mentions in the news of pandemics. There might be a regional outbreak somewhere that burned itself out quite quickly. They never really took hold to become a global issue, though. Someone will likely bring up some outbreak that I am forgetting but don't miss my point by finding that my logic might not be 100% airtight. The point is, until this most recent outbreak of global concern, we never really had a "serious" global infection. Now it appears we are being conditioned to believe that this is a regular occurrence. We are supposed to believe that another pandemic is right around the corner and that this is a common occurrence. I know that I never had to go through what we all went through the last 3 years previously. So why should I expect that another one is right around the corner? Call me a cynic but are these WEF stooges the sages of our age and can see the future in perfect clarity or more likely they have a hand in ensuring that the next pandemic does happen.

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