Noita Gameplay - Daily run - Tanky but not enough damage output

2 years ago

Perks taken:
Levitation Trail: Seems okay. Doesn't harm you and you can for a barrier of sorts.
Oil Blood: The Fire Immunity part is what I wanted of course =)
Exploding Corpses: Always good with Explosion Immunity.
Extra Health: 50% more health. Survival purposes
Melee Immunity: Always good

With all the immuniuties, I had an easier time getting to the lower levels. I was trying to take advantage of it but some worm angered the Gods. Kind of messes up the whole run at that point. Didn't have enough firepower for later stages. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#indiegame #indiegames #noita #roguelike #roguelite #sidescroller #sidescrolling #gameplay #permadeath #daily #whatcouldgowrong #perks #unknown #learning #arrow #immunity #firepower

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