Fontana police release bodycam video of a fatal shooting involving suspects selling illegal firearms

2 years ago

The fatal shooting happened on June 21, 2022, around 5:18 p.m., according to the Fontana Police Department.

The suspects were identified as Adolfo Quintana from Fontana and Darnell Travis from Hemet. Police say both suspects have an extensive criminal history.

Officers were conducting an undercover operation of the illegal sale of an assault rifle at 3870 Sierra Avenue in Fontana.

The firearm being sold was a ghost gun, police said. Ghost guns are non-serialized and untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home.

Prior to the illegal sale, officers had identified at least one of the suspects. They spotted the suspect’s vehicle and attempted to pull him over.

Body cam video shows undercover officers approaching the suspects’ car while instructing them to put their hands up.

Instead of cooperating, the suspects are seen reversing their vehicle and ramming it into an undercover car.

One officer is seen opening the suspect’s door, during which he allegedly spots a handgun inside. That’s when the officer is seen firing shots at the vehicle.

The suspects quickly drive forward over a curb and away from the area, leading authorities on a high-speed pursuit.

The chase continued through multiple cities and freeways, police said. The suspect’s vehicle slowed down significantly from a damaged front tire, which allowed a successful pit maneuver.

The chase ended on the 10 freeway in the city of Redlands, officials said.

Police say Travis was found unconscious with a single gunshot wound in the passenger seat. He was transported to a local hospital, where he later died.

The driver, Quintana, was arrested on charges including assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer and evading arrest.

Upon searching the vehicle, a loaded AR-15-style ghost rifle was found.

Both suspects had extensive criminal histories, authorities aid.

Travis was previously arrested for robbery, stolen vehicles, firearm violations, evading arrest, burglary, and multiple parole and probation violations. Quintana was previously arrested for resisting arrest, narcotics, burglary, robbery, parole and probation violations and more, police said.

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