MYL Episode 79: Interviewing Paul Leendertse, Pioneer of the Root Cause of Cancer, Part 1

1 year ago

Leaha Mattinson interviews Paul Leendertse about cancer treatment, it’s causes, and the necessary societal changes needed to prevent it.

Paul Leendertse is the Pioneer of the Root Cause of Cancer and Author of, "The Root Cause of Cancer". Through over 10 years of experience working with clients in intimate settings who were facing severe health challenges (often 3 and 4 stage cancer), and investigating their lives, childhoods, and habits, Paul discovered the root cause of cancer. The Root Cause is the Main Psycho-emotional Stress Factor that has to be resolved for full Healing to occur.

For years, Paul's focus has been 1:1 coaching, where he often gets to the root cause of his clients cancer in one session and begins resolving it with them. Many times clients experience significant improvement of symptoms in their first session, and full cancer reversal over the course of weeks or months of working with Paul.

Now Paul's primary focus is to bring the knowledge of the Root Cause of Cancer to the world via his courses. To learn Paul's methods of Cancer Prevention & Reversal, including his 15-step Real Self Emotional Healing Process, sign up for Cancer Prevention Coach Online Training.

00;00 Intro
00:45 Interview starts
01:45 Introducing Paul Leendertse
03:45 Paul’s story and why he started researching cancer
06;15 What causes cancer? The psycho-emotional influence of stress
12:45 How to cure cancer
15:15 Example of successful treatment
19:45 The greatest source of unresolved stress is early schooling, and the transition to adulthood
23;40 Leaha’s experiences as a school counsellor
25:45 The medical system isn’t prepared to take the steps needed to solve cancer
27:15 Most people don’t know how to play anymore, can’t connect to their feelings
29:55 What kinds of cancer does Paul work with
30:25 The pandemics effects on stress and cancer
32:45 Solving the problem of cancer, having the courage to move forward
35;05 Abuses, sex, love, connections, and growing together
38:35 Effects of corporations on the breakdown of people and growing cancer risk
39;40 Chemotherapy and it’s worth on fixing cancer
41:25 The fear of death, and taking responsibility for your own life
45:55 An opportunity to change your life for the better
47;20 Paul’s coaching program
52:05 Contacting Paul and joining the program
53;30 Outro

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The Cancer Prevention Course Live February 19-24

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