Java with Jesus 2/10/23 - The Blood of Jesus - Forgiveness and Justification

2 years ago

Birthday cards for my son' can be mailed to:
Chuck M. Robinson
3908 Parkway Drive
Highland, IN 46322

If you need or would like prayer for any situation, please contact me via text at 219-644-9047. I will set up a private room for you and I online. Not recorded. Totally private and confidential. Nobody will know your request(s) and I can virtually lay hands on you as it is written:

Mark 16:18
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Donations to support this ministry can be mailed to:

Forged in Fire Outreach
3903 Portage Road STE C # 178
South Bend, In 46628

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Click the link below to donate

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General requests can be sent to
Prayer requests go to

Forged in Fire is pleased to announce that
we support the mission of Ohio Brett and his web site,

We also support our brother Gerry Foley and Gideon's Army. Visit them at

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