Kenya beautiful African country

1 year ago

Five phrases that are more important than “I Love You”.

With one of the most profitable man-made holidays lurking just around the corner, many of us are ready to dig a little deeper into our pockets to show our affection for our significant others. Restaurants are slammed with reservations, flower shops have order requests through the figurative roof, and jewelry shop employees are working overtime, all to meet the demands of Valentine’s Day.
But rather than focusing on the gifted gestures, I’d instead like to focus on the phrase that is seemingly synonymous with February 14th worldwide. The phrase, of course, is “I love you” — three simple words that have the potential to carry immense meaning, and form the backbone of so much of our seeming happiness.
As much as I love the phrase, I personally feel that it is not the standout winner for the most important thing to be said to your significant other to really let them know they are loved. Here are 5 other phrases that might just be more important than “I love you.”

1. "I forgive you."

I forgive you for all the things you have done, or will do, that may hurt me. I forgive the way you may lash out when you are hungry, I forgive the things you may say when you're tired after a long day. I forgive the times you didn't even know you upset me. I forgive your big mistakes and the small ones. I forgive you for not knowing what i needed when i thought you would, or even expected you to know. I forgive you when you fall short, because i see how hard you are trying. I forgive you the way i hope you'll forgive me because i know neither of us our perfect.

2. "I'll sacrifice for you."

I'll sacrifice my time for you. I'll be selfless for you. I'll stay up late with you as you learn to care for our new baby, even though i have to go work in the morning. I'll hold you when you're sick. When you are weak, I will be your strength. I'll be there for you at 3 AM as readily as i would at 7 PM. I'll be there when no one else is, and I'll be there 100%. In sickness and in health, my willingness to be there won't change. My sacrifice is not dependent on your state of being, but rather it is there because you exist and you are someone worth sacrificing for.

3. "I respect you."

I respect you for who you are, and not for what i feel you deserve. I respect you because you deserve my respect, not because you earned it. I'll respect your opinions and consider your feelings. I'll treat you like a person with your own thoughts, hopes, dreams and desires. And those thoughts, hopes, dreams, and desires will matter to me the way they matter to you.

4. "I'll support you."

I'll support your hopes and your dreams. I will always have your back. You can rely on me. I'll raise you up and never tear you down. I'll always make sure you have what you need, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. I'll lift you back up when you fall.

5. "I'll protect you."

I'll protect you from harm. I'll protect your heart from pain. I'll protect the idea of us. I won't demean you. I'll treasure you and shield you from evil, bad and ugly. I won't let others put you down. You will be safe in my arms, safe in my hands and safe in my heart. I'll be your safe haven, i will be your safety net, and someone you can always trust.

**People who truly love each other don't celebrate Valentine's day on Valentine's day only, because to them, everyday is Valentine's Day.


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