The Plan To Free Humanity

2 years ago

The Plan To Free Humanity Video

There have been many great thinkers and philosophers throughout the ages who have proposed ideas on how society should be structured to benefit the individual in attaining their true and full potential in life. Some of these ideas have been tried and many have shown great success. That is, until evil forces, narcissists, and psychopathic megalomaniacs have infiltrated those societies and degraded them from the inside out. America has been going through this process for the past century and a half, at least, and the page on this website about the True Enemies of Humanity documents how this has been accomplished.

However, the ideas still remain. Ideas are bullet proof and good ideas are evergreen. They are just not in the public consciousness and that needs to change. This site is created to not only show people how badly we have been deceived by those who want to harm and control us, but what we can do about our situation! I have learned in my years of research and writing that no one wants to hear about any problems unless you can offer them the actual viable and workable solutions as well. Then, they seem to be more receptive to understanding the problems and why they desperately need to be addressed.

We are about solutions. There are many people around the world working on remedies to the most pressing problems of our day and taking a variety of different approaches in doing so. I applaud all of those out there standing up to resist the tyranny coming in hard from all sides in this unprecedented year of 2020 and I encourage everyone to begin to look into what they can do. Most of what I have seen as far as solving our problems, however, involves trying to work through a system that has been fully corrupted and is purposely set up to oppose and silence us. Thus, most demands and cries for justice are rejected, ignored, or found “frivolous.” Clearly a new system is desperately needed.

The Plan To Free Humanity Video

Tune into tonight for a Great presentation with the Solution to end Tyrrany with Jake Jackson and others. Here is the link to the show tonight if people want to join in on the chat and watch live Feb 10 2023 5 PM Central

Jake Jackson

Here are links to Jske jacksons latest blogs. As I said, there are written and audio versions of both. They're pretty self explanatory, .. The YouTube

So, How Do We Get Out of This Mess and Living in a State of Perpetual Depression - When Will Humanity Finally Unite?

So, How Do We Get Out of This Mess

By Creating a Natural Law Republic

Jake Jackson has presented this video to Educuate how we the Sovereign take back their True Power! This is a collaboration being worked on by many men and woman Sovereigns world wide to finally build an accoutnable system- Please share - And we need to work together on the Solution.

“What can we do?” We have been informing everyone for years that we must unite as one force large enough to leave their system en masse so that the predator class has no ability to stop us, simply due to lack of resources.

From our Home Page you may watch Creating a Natural Law Republic

Zoom daily 5 - 10 PM EST Daily join and meet amazing Sovereigns dedicated to a Solution.

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