VIDEO - The survival of the nation comes from God through the Catholic Faith...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Scholastica, Virgin...10 February 2023 AD...

The survival of the nation comes from God through the Catholic Faith...doctrinal publication of the true Holy Apostolic See, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I teaches in this theological infallible doctrine the essential dependency of the state upon the Divine help and protection from God, and that without this protection, which without the sincere, firm and punctual profession of the Catholic Faith which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, the survival of such a godless or a heretical nation cannot be obtained from God nor will He grant it and therefore such a disobedient, heretical, apostate and thus abominable nation will no doubt see the Divine wrath and ultimate punishment from God, and much more so in these very evil times, and as this overall vastly spread immorality and apostasy have been accomplished worldwide, by the devil's instigation and seduction, so likewise the punishment from God will be adequate and also worldwide, as this is all written in the Holy Scripture and foreseen by God to come...Only the true Roman Catholic Church will be protected and helped by God, as Christ Our Lord has promised...


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