2 years ago

This was on Thursday February 9th 2023, at approximately 1808, at the Essex street and North street intersection, ensale in Massachusetts. A call came in for that disturbance being people yelling. It was only a call for a verbal dispute and no accusations of any crimes being committed. With no probable cause or evidence of an actual crime being committed they still decided to detain me for over 7 minutes. They alleged that it was a domestic call that involved myself and someone else. That is impossible because I have no girlfriend, wife or significant other to be an a domestic type of call.

So while they illegally detain me they searched around for a possible victim and could never give me an explanation of an actual crime that I allegedly committed. After this incident happened I went down to go get a call number. So I could do a public records request for all information on this incident. Sergeant monk and lieutenant Doyle Said that they could not give out the case number I was involved when that I had to do a public record request to get the case number for the incident that I wanted to get a public record on. I went back this morning February 10th and spoke to sergeant vangelist and he was professional and gave me the case number right away.

Please make sure you check out my link tree link where all my social media platform links are. Also ways to donate, PayPal and cash app are available in that link as well. I appreciate all the support!!! Let me know what you think in the comments section down below and please use the contact links as you feel needed. It is all right to redress our grievances with government officials and agencies. Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

All Social Media Platforms and Ways To Donate To My Journalism:


Salem Police Contact Information: 978-744-1212

Chief of Police:
Lucas Miller Email: lmiller@salempd.net

Ofc. Cara Buckley
Patrol Officer
Email: cbuckley@salempd.net
Voicemail 978-744-0171 x 50243

Ofc. Edgar Green
Patrol Officer
Email: egreen@salempd.net
Voicemail 978-744-0171 x 50192

Ofc. Luis Colon
Patrol Officer
Email: lcolon@salempd.net
Voicemail 978-744-0171 x50288

Ofc. Juan Martinez-Rodriguez
Patrol Officer
Email: jmartinez@salempd.net
Voicemail 978-744-0171 x 50237

Salem Police Facebook Page:

00:00 Teaser
00:50 Radio Transmissions
02:55 "Was It You??"
03:30 "Am I Being Detained" "Yes"
05:05 Detainment Is An Arrest
05:55 BWC Policy Violations
07:14 Am I Detained Still
11:47 Salem Police Dept. For Case Number
12:44 Sgt. Monk Being A Tyrant
15:50 Lt. Doyle Rotten From The Head Down
17:17 Sgt. Vangelist Shows Professionalism
21:02 Outro

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