Praying the Scriptures - Philippians 1 – Rejoice When Persecuted for Preaching the Gospel

2 years ago

Rejoicing is a major theme in the Book of Philippians.
Philippians 1 dicusses the work that the Most High started in us - HE will be faithful to complete it before Messiah Yeshua returns. Know that if you are persecuted because you preach the Gospel (Truth) -- that Yeshua (Jesus) is LORD and Who died and was raised again to be the once for all time Sacrifice for sin, so that we might have salvation (eternal life) and a close relationship with HIM -- it is because you have been found worthy to suffer for Messiah Yeshua's sake and on His behalf! REJOICE and Be Exceedingly Glad! For GREAT is your Reward in Heaven! (Matt. 5:11-12) Our Goal in all things should be to Glorify the Most High and Yeshua our Messiah!
#Philippians1 #ScripturePrayers #LetsPray #RejoiceInSuffering #YAHisFaithful
Praying the Scriptures Series:
Psalm 91 – Prayer for Protection
Psalm 42 and 43 – Encourage Your Soul in the LORD
Ephesians 3:16-21 – Grow in the Love of the LORD
Ephesians 6:10-18 – Putting on the Armor of YAH
Ephesians 1 – Flood the Eyes of Our Hearts with LIGHT
Ephesians 2 – YAH’s Amazing Purpose for Us
Ephesians 3 – Filled to Overflowing with YAH's LOVE
Ephesians 4 – Unity in the Body and in Messiah Yeshua
Ephesians 5 – Walk in God's Light and Expose the Darkness
Ephesians 6 – Put on YAH’s Whole Armor

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