Vassily Nebenzia Exposes Syrian Chemical Attack HOAX & OPCW FRAUD Using Aaron Mate's Report

2 years ago

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia Exposes 2018 Syrian Chemical Attack HOAX & OPCW FRAUD Using Aaron Mate's (The Greyzone) Report

The phony 'Western Narrative' alleges the (fake) Chemical Attack, orchestrated by the 'White Hats', that Syrian President Bashar Assad used Chemical Weapons Against his own Citizens, a Total HOAX! This served as the 'pretext' for US, UK & France bombing the shit out of Syria, occupying 1/3 of their Country (still), STEALING 90% of their oil, plus crippling Sanctions-all in 100% CORRUPT efforts for REGIME CHANGE, to oust President Bashar Assad. Sound familiar? The OPCW, OPCE & U.N. are all compromised, serving as vassal mouthpieces for the West

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