Interview: C4C Apologetics - Pastor Daniel Weierbach (Apologetics, Free Grace, Calvinism, YouTube)

2 years ago

This week, Pastor Jesse Martinez interviews Associate Pastor Daniel Weierbach of Open Door Baptist Church in Plattville, AL. Daniel is also the host of C4C Apologetics; a YouTube ministry dedicated to defending the faith and reaching the lost with the gospel.

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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)

foreign [Music]
I'm here with the associate pastor at the Open Door Baptist Church in Alabama this is Daniel weierbach and I got that
wrong the first time but Daniel it's great to have you on Bible line and I've been watching a lot of your content
recently and there was one message that you did I mean among all the content that you have but you're talking about
responding to attacks against eternal security or once saved always saved and you went down the road where my brain
just lives The Logical side the analytical side and you did an excellent job and uh Trent had found your channel
a while ago and like we were talking before we recorded I just think it's great to find
channels that are they're striving for biblical accuracy without going away from the Bible
because that's what's that's what's happening with a lot of people right now they're just moving further and further away from the Bible and trying to get
into logic I think a lot of people are attracted to like the Jordan Peterson types The Joe Rogan types just people
that are thinkers and they're actually not what's happening is in you know I'd like your
commentary on this they're not sufficient with what God's word says they're like we got to justify this with
man's opinions and man's thoughts to make this uh make sense so I mean I'm sure you're running into
the same thing yeah no it seems like philosophy is Trump theology in a lot of cases and uh
people think that if you're a Christian then then you can't be an intellect you can't be an academic or anything else or
you got to take man's Wisdom and somehow the Bible has changed over the few thousands of years that it was written
and the fact that now there's new meaning new insight that even the early church fathers never knew about and so
yeah I'm with you when you say to a Biblical hermeneutic and just a literal understanding of scripture based upon
his genre you don't come away with some of this philosophy that's built in and so yeah
it's definitely a big issue within the church today yeah and like young men like we were talking to like before we
we started like I feel like a lot of young guys are looking for the truth then they find the truth
in the offering of Jesus Christ but I don't sadly it's very rare that they're going to find the actual biblical you
know gospel that's preached to them so then they like over correct it's like the car that starts to Swerve out of
control and it's like well if I I don't want to be the Christianity that my father grew up in which was just had no
logic and didn't match up with any kind of psychology I've got to make sure all this makes sense to the world
but the Bible says God says and specifically God through Paul speaking to Corinth
um the the foolishness of God is how the world is going to get saved and it's not
because it's the foolishness of God it's because that's how the World Views it so but I think a lot of young guys are
trying to justify themselves justify where they believe so they don't they're they're just not content with it but
they over correct so much that it's still not the Bible it's still something that someone else says I think a lot of
it has to go back to like older Generations back in the day you know the comment would be made if if someone
asked a question uh the older generation would say well that's what the Bible says that settles that type deal well I
agree with that yes the Bible says it and that does settle it whether you believe it or not that doesn't help the
Millennials which unfortunately I'm a millennial on the other end of it but then even your gen Z's they want to know
why they want to have the answers to the hard questions and so too many times people think Christianity is just a
bunch of a religious wackos that just believe the Bible because the Bible says that when reality there's a lot of
philosophical logical scientific uh arguments made throughout scripture and
that we can use so it's not an idiotic idiotic religion like some people think but I think the older Generations really
you know to some degree may have hindered a little bit of this because
they'll just hold to the old adage well that's what God says and that's it you just believe it or you don't well
there's reasons why you know this happened or that happened and there's a Arguments for it and answers for it we
just need to be able to have discussions with these people having these questions to show that hey there's logical reasons
why God did this or the Bible says that and let's understand it together but I think that's a part of it as well
I don't know what kind of church you grew up in but I grew up in a church that was very much
two verses um a lot of ranting a lot of yelling and
screaming about the application of those two verses but we never saw the entire
context and the church that I'm pastoring at now which was the church that I came to when I was 13 years old
was the first church that actually showed me this is the whole context of
you know for example the Rapture you know like you got first Thessalonians four you got stuff in second
Thessalonians you got the 70 weeks in Daniel all these different things and for the first time I was introduced to
context and I see people that come to our church who get saved and they're excited and they actually stick around
they're learning context they're learning you know what's the whole point of First Corinthians why is that book
being written uh instead of just two verses kind of taken out of context and applied correctly but we're missing so
much by not getting into the context and I think if young people today would would learn how to study the context
they'd be better off for it but that requires discipline that is not instant gratification you've got to really look
and see and understand are there Universal themes here within this book that I can pull from and that's not just your five minute you
version devotional and that's kind of weird I don't want to say kids but that's where young people are today
yeah it's you know I didn't grow up into church uh I have a little bit of a background story that's on our website if you will
but basically I got saved like when I was 29 years old and so I got saved late
in life I'm one of those uh anomalies if you will because once you reach a past a certain age statistics say you're less
likely to convert and Believe In The Gospel of Jesus Christ but since then I
was blessed to get saved in the church that I'm an assistant pastor at right now and so I've always been around the
whole aspect of biblical hermeneutics and understanding it contextually and all the all the different types of
contexts there are one thing that I've heard regularly as far as our church here at Open Door Baptist is it seems
like we're a teaching church and that's what a lot of people say about Open Door here but for a while it's like yeah you
know that's awesome we're a teaching church we get into the Bible we execute we expose it things like that but then I
really get to thinking about it is it a good thing that we're known as a teaching church if that's the case then
how many other churches that they've been to did not teach the Bible
they just gave like you said a YouVersion devotion or something like that and that's that's sad you know so
while I I love the aspect of being a teaching Church really me Pastor Ken Pastor Cody we just do it verse by verse
contextually literal historical grammatical we look at all the different nuances and
it just seems like a lot of people nowadays because the Bible is the special revelation of God
we think we have to have what I call some Gnostic understanding to understand these Epistles in the New Testament when
in reality if we look at those like any letter written today we're not going to have some spiritual
application to a letter if I were to write you a letter you know talk about what's going on you're going to understand who I am the audience
background right and so if we take the same hermeneutic to this book we'll come away
fairly simplistic in a general message absolutely but too much time we try to over spiritualize and that's what
happened in the early church as well and all the allegories and you know that that's a problem absolutely I was just
getting into um in the book of Acts in Acts chapter 15 looking at the the first church
Council I mean that's what it was called they they went and they were talking about what is required for a man to get
saved specifically for agenda for a gentile and they looked at you know
biblical examples and Peter made his case and then Paul and Barnabas backed up what Peter was teaching and they came
to a conclusion and that was pretty much it but all the major councils after that they're either Eastern Orthodox or Roman
Catholic and they come to conclusions like we should put Idols in our altars as holy relics we should pray to the
Saints because they're worthy of uh prayer they're not the mediator but we can still pray to them and now you have
church fathers who are contradicting the scripture but being held to a high standard because they're
closer to the time of Christ well the Pharisees were contemporaries with Christ and they were wrong there was a
lot of things going on there so just because it was closer doesn't mean it has to be more accurate to well their
opinion is valid but to your comment about Open Door being a teaching Church
we've kind of been mocked here at Calvary as uh oh they just teach the gospel that's it you know they just
teach the gospel and they're out but um or they make fun of that we have a plaque that's in the uh
foyer that says reaching the lost and teaching the save to reach the loss and people like oh that's such an easy thing
to say it's such an it you know it's it's kind of uh lazy to not come up with
a better tagline but let's actually look at scripture like are we not commanded
to go out and convert the world or at least give the gospel to them if that's something that
Jesus said that has not been rescinded since he gave it um at his Ascension and also when he
came back and was talking to the to the disciples why should we now go well we've gotta we've got to put Community
First and when we put Community First we got to do these other things the community needs the gospel
you know we are a community church that's our name but in our community outreach is the
gospel and yeah we're gonna go teach them you know so but sadly all the mega churches that we compete with they're
not like that a lot of music today and I kind of have a bone to pick with contemporary Christian music just just
be I mean there's a lot of good stuff in it I think there's a lot of good stuff there but most of its surface level
I'm listening to songs that I go there's a chapter in verse that's totally against what you just said but a lot of
our services and I say our because I do think there's clear churches that are going this way for the sake of cultural
relevance they're replacing Bible teaching with a with a concert
yeah and people start coming to churches like ours where we still have wood panel on the wall and they stick around because they're
they're they're learning the Bible and we don't have a budget that's millions of dollars or facilities that
you know compete with major universities we're just teaching I'm with you when we're up in South Dakota uh there was a
church that I mean we couldn't find a real good church we finally plugged into a particular church out there for our short time uh while we were there and uh
it seemed like the entire service it was an hour it was like 45 minutes of it was singing
probably about five minutes of it was uh offering five minutes was fellowship and
then you had five or ten minutes of like a message if you will and it's like so
the entire service you know was transformed from the preaching of the word to worship songs and then like you
said a lot of the Contemporary stuff while I understand you know contemporary music is more experiential in its
emotion it's about God as opposed to old hymns is uh more songs uh you know about
the character of God if you will yeah they're very light they're very fluffy and
you know I I like contemporary Christian because we gotta admit sometimes though traditional hymns there's some worship
and calvinistic views you know in that as well and absolutely and then how hard
is it when we're singing uh All to Jesus uh I surrender all and next day we
haven't surrendered anything to Jesus you know what I mean and so I see it both ways but I'm with you it's like the
church service was taken over by songs rather than the preaching and the teaching of the word of God and I think
as an I mean I I think you can see this as an associate pastor I can see it as a pastor like
people are hungry there are people in the church that aren't that they're they're starving because what the church
leadership thinks is correct like we need to be more like the world so we can get the world in
um is hurting the people that want to learn because at the end of the day you just get slotted into a Sunday school
slotted into a small group you're not the new person anymore yeah you know so
your experience is over we reached you well what does it mean to reach well you're plugged in now well does that
person know where they're going to go when they die do they have any idea if they were to slip in into uh eternity
today where they'd be I mean and that's that's just something that I
think is sad but it's also a sign of the times we're in a laodicean church I think there's a lot of people that would say I'm I'm spiritually blessed I have
need of nothing but they're really poor and naked and destitute um not in the not in the fact that they
don't have eternal life but in the fact that they don't haven't they God won't be able to reward them for anything because they're not they're not doing
anything but they're claiming they're doing of nothing as something great boy we could go on that train for a long
time I'm with you on that and the fact that you know when I the church as a whole
you know tends to if it's a clear gospel presentation then they do great you know evangelizing the loss but what tends to
happen is the loss get evangelized they get saved but then they're left there there's no discipleship yep and so when
we have young Christians that are brand new to the faith they don't know what it means to look like Christ and to walk
away from the world and so this is where all your lordship and your calvinist attacks come from being like Oh if
you're a genuine Christian you're not going to do X Y or Z well maybe it's the fact that the person got saved but was
never discipled absolutely and so there's a big missing ingredient of discipleship like what you were talking
about with your Church's mission and vision too absolutely and I'll be honest with you the way that I was raised even
at the church that I'm pastoring right now that necessarily wasn't something that
was taught and it wasn't until Dr Arnold came in um and really started to he was the
first model of a pastor that would come in and kind of like I always say like put a hand on the shoulder and ask some
questions like what are we doing you know it's like it's great that you're here it's great that you're faithful
you're a young face you've gotta you know you and your wife your young people in the church but it's like let's take
the next step you know why are you coming to church all these different things and he started to teach me what a
a life of discipleship looked like and I was working with youth at the time and it's hard to get kids to understand that
but the very few that did when they got it they got it not they got saved but
they got the importance of why I live a separated life why I'm supposed to be a disciple and
sadly a lot of that's not happening because there are a lot of Evangelistic churches but then people just kind of
they just disappear yeah because they're because I think a lot of Evangelistic churches sadly don't know what it looks
like to disciple you know I I teach um well not when I'm talking to people
on a one-on-one basis on Christian growth I teach them four things and I I
was taught them as the four talks but it's God talks to me through the word I talk to God through prayer
um I talk with my fellow brother and sister in Christ in church attendance
fellowship and then I talk with the lost and I tell people if you can just focus on those four areas then I really do
think your life is going to grow because each one of these is a there's a proof in Scripture that these are how we obey
the Lord how we walk and grow and the more that we make ourselves available the more that God is going to use us and
we're going to get refined and we're going to go through trials and the trial of our faith is much more precious of gold at perish but it's all going to be
brought to the praise honor and glory of the Lord that doesn't happen to the person that's just like I'm here I'm in my 52nd week of church
do I get my badge all right yeah he's like are you coming to church to come to church you coming to church to grow
and sadly you know those things are kind of being missed no Miss I'm with you on that definitely so when I meet somebody
like you online like the way I'm smiling right now is the way I watch the your
videos because I'm like yes somebody gets it sometimes I wait and I chew my nails I'm like man I'm waiting for the
what if you're really saved and if you really understood it then stuff like that I kind of just throw my hands up
and I put my hand on my forehead and I'm like oh we were so close yeah but with your videos I'm serious
when when Trent was like hey we need to check this guy out it'd be great to have him on the channel I started listening
to your content and I was just like man this guy gets it and then I watched that video it's about 32 minutes I think it was a a full sermon that you did
and it was a Wednesday night teaching and yeah I I know how vital catchy titles are but that one I couldn't get
away with because called the McNamara fallacy and outliers that that's a mouthful but that's what the Lord just
gave me Insight on you know as far as that argument so yeah I'm glad to hear that and well and and the title itself I
went to it immediately I was like if there's going to be something with Daniel that is not biblical in his
gospel message we'll find it out here and I watched that whole thing and I was like this guy's my brother in Christ we
got this we understand it and so I just feel like it's so rare and we were talking before like the big channels
like Alan Parr and and many others there are a lot of bait and switch I
mean they they say one thing in one video for several weeks and then all of a sudden they'll go but you gotta but
you gotta be really doing this or else you're not saved yeah and that does two things that keeps the Lost person who's
already trusting in themselves it keeps them lost and then it keeps the saved person who's now fallen into error it
keeps them totally silent about their faith because now they've got to prove it out it's like oh how can I ever lead
a soul to Christ when I'm not doing the basic things that I don't even know if I'm saved and the devil laughs the whole
way it just continually is blinding the minds of people who have yet to see the sufficiency of Christ the completeness
of our Salvation yep so I have some questions here that
um I had pre-prepared and I'd send them to you on the email but why apologetics what uh what what kind
of attracts you to that and uh you know why is that the heartbeat of your Channel
my back in 2014 when we really started up c4c apologetics
uh I've really just had a burden to study the reasons for the faith Christianity when I got my bachelor's
and Master's through Liberty ended up learning from Gary habermas I don't think a lot of people know who Gary
habermas is he's the world's probably uh most renowned expert on the resurrection
of Jesus Christ and so looking at the theories of Christ's resurrection and different aspects and nuances of it and
so it's always fascinated me being able to argue and defend the faith I follow Jay Warner Wallace Frank Turek uh Ravi
Zacharias and I don't care about what people say about Ravi and the Scandal at the end whether it was true or not truth
is truth then that man had a lot of excellent you know messages teachings
and apologetic resources uh Vince Vitale Nabil Qureshi and so really God just
gave me a burden to go ahead and and study out is this the true Christian faith because if if this isn't a true
Christian faith I don't want to waste my time and Paul says in First Corinthians 15 that if Christ hasn't risen then our
faith is in vain and and we're men most miserable and so everything goes down to
the resurrection and that's really what started me with that and then really looking at okay trying to one of these zealous
young converts I want to win everybody to Christ I want to tell everybody why Christianity is true yeah well uh that
was interesting because I don't know how many comments you read on the channel here c4c but we get a lot of negative
comments a lot of hateful comments a lot of people stupid and it's just it's very
discouraging I will admit it but really it's just burdened me you know first Peter 3 3 15 you know uh be ready to
give a reason for the hope that lies within you with meekness and fear and so trying to reach those outside the church
and then Jude 3 which is what it's really based on is uh contend for the faith which was once delivered to the
Saints and so I looked at that but the other thing that the Lord really burdened me with was living in Alabama
we actually have a Mormon church not too far away from our house and we'd get the
knocks on the doors quite often and it's like God just gave me a burden for Mormons so when I would see them in
their you know white shirt black pants black tie at the store oh I gotta talk to this guy so we just talked to him so
it's been about a decade or so studying Mormonism that's really been a heartbeat for me to go ahead and understand their
religion and try to help people reach them because like Paul says that they're zealous for God but not according to
knowledge that's right if you ever ask Mormon what you know anybody about a Mormon they're going to say oh they're
they're great they serve they take care of the community imagine if we can get some of those Mormons converted to
Christianity and in that same zealousness to serve that is lacking an apathetic in the church today and so uh
really is just a burden that God gave me you made a mention about this before but one thing I had to learn in apologetics
and even in theology you have to really figure out what is your Niche and uh
it's one of those deals where you could be a jack of all trades and a master of none and uh so really Mormonism is just what
God has Drew me to and really been trying to refine that as much as possible so absolutely and I think
I think the the structure of the body of Christ is more along the lines of let's
be experts like in our lanes so to speak not like stay in your lane but there's
all these different diversities administrations operations of the spiritual gifts that we get and there's
a reason for that many members one body so I mean and and I mean I would I'd
probably say of myself I love to study the the gospel message uh that's what I
grew up on that's what made an impact on me early in life and it's something that
it doesn't require I found at least it doesn't require a lot of
argument to get to one point like it really comes down to Grace versus works and yeah and that and that's what I want
people to understand but it's great to have individuals like you where God has placed you where you are you are growing
where you're planted and you've got a Mormon influence there why not go after that and it's all to
win the Mormon to Christ anyway it's all it's all the same thing trying to get people to trust Christ definitely yeah
and and I also think that's something that's kind of distracting young Christians today
is they they want to be an expert in everything but they really don't know anything so and I'm not saying because
they're getting a YouTube channel they'll they'll realize quickly that they don't know much of anything when
you have all these trolls and even all these knowledgeable people come on and refute you so I appreciate the person
that's genuine in their response like I I Trent and I talk about this all the
time you can tell with people they want to win the argument you know if they really believe that lordship salvation
is how you get to heaven then they should look at me and say this man could go to hell I want to lovingly win him to the truth
so that he won't go to hell but most of the time it's I want you to be so wrong
and so ashamed that you delete your channel and you just you know leave it all behind and think
wow I was so wrong is that winning a soul that's destroying a person and I can tell by the way you
talked about comments and then things get vicious and that's why Trent does what Trent does because
he handles all those comments and there's been times where we've had to say all right we got to yank this guy
off because language or he's just really persistent and inflammatory but you know
I just had a comment today on our gospel video they're like oh you're only given half of it man you got to give your life and do all this stuff and then I'm sure
you've seen this it's literally pages of straight KJV yeah like they're like
here read the whole uh uh New Testament I'm gonna copy it here in paragraph form you're like
thanks okay so yep seen those before you got like 28
verses and all of them are out of context and yeah I don't have time to be telling them how they're wrong but you
know I'm with you no but that's that's good and I want to encourage you you know keep it up I think I think what
you're doing is great your content is really well put together so you're able to compete with the things that people
do think are important audio and video and you have a good presentation you're knowledgeable so YouTube and a Bible
line you got a lot of good production a lot of good Clarity in your messages and your teaching so I love that too
following you guys thanks man I appreciate that and by the way when you I was reading on your website about c4c
apologetics you had made a good statement there about um it was the ministry of Open Door and
we're we're a Ministry of our of our home Church Calvary Community Church and we actually just started live streaming
to Bible line because we're building up a great audience there and of course our our audiences is wonderful very uh very
supportive helpful faithful with things but I want to reach the the new person and that's why I want to do this I want
to kind of mix our audiences and just kind of get people to see yeah hey we're not the only ones there's there's more
out there that get this right so in another question I think we may have covered this but
um what do you see as like the number one issue with Christian apologetics on YouTube and in your assessment what do
you think that's that people are running into the most well to be honest with you I don't even
watch a lot of Christian apologetics YouTube channels uh being the fact that
you know associate pastor and then c4c trying to do my own stuff and then married uh love my wife yeah
teenager teenage daughter that's still living with us and and hobbies and pets
so time is somewhat Limited in a rare commodity for me but from what I
understand and just talking to people and some of the apologetic videos I see there's actually two different things
number one it seems like it's more of an academic theological debate than it is a
spiritual warfare and so people tend to want to just go ahead and either a win the battle win the argument for the sake
of winning the argument or B keep trying to do better to get more subscribers get
more views get more content and just be that next level uh that's always a very
bad you know part to be in because you're never going to be there's always going to be somebody better than you and
you gotta really yeah and then realize that it's not an academic battle these are battles for Souls battles for
people's Fellowship of Christ rewards loss you know all that so that would be one thing and another thing would
probably be one thing I talk about here is regurgitation I actually want to preach a message one one time whenever the Lord
allows me called chewing cud and so like like a cow what they'll do is they'll eat grass they'll chew it up
they'll swallow it they'll regurgitate it and then they'll eat it again that's what chewing cut is and so too many
people they just regurgitate information and so one thing with me is I'm not
going to say anything that I haven't personally researched or studied myself straight from the horse's mouth I just
got done preaching a message called uh the One World Government of Revelation 13 it's going to be coming out on the
YouTube channel at the end of the month I think it is and all that content was based off the world economic forum's website not from
what anybody says and so I think it's a trap that so many people fall into where they just want to say this is what this
guy says and this is what the argument and the truth is as opposed to doing their own study and research and so I
think regurgitation is a big problem uh with this as well yeah and I think you'll know you're
doing it right when you come under a lot of attack because they're fresh ideas you're not really you're not really
repeating something that are in people's Echo Chambers so to speak yeah I mean this is how I think a lot of Bible
students should be look at the information that's presented you run it through the filter of the scripture and
come up with a logical conclusion on what you found everybody wants to talk about trust the science know the science
well let's you know let's put the scientific method into play What's the hypothesis can we work that out at the
end of the day does that hold up as true if it does the word of God supports what that is teaching if it doesn't then it
needs to be thrown out but yeah regurgitation I would definitely agree with that and then what you said about
academic people kind of write you off if you don't have the degrees and the all sorts of stuff like that they'll
actually discourage you from trying and that's just that's a
shame and I I don't think our channel is necessarily in the apologetic realm although we will get there at some point
I'm sure there'll be questions that come in but I I'd be I'm I'm very careful to
tell people like now this part is my opinion and then I'm also very careful to say this is what God's word said if
you disagree with that you you know you're going to have to look at something along the lines of God
do I need to change my mind on this or were you wrong and if you're saying the latter you might want to try again you
know so yeah no definitely I mean that's one thing I learned in apologetics and I I think it was uh
I think it was Frank Turk where I learned this is if you're trying to talk to a Critic of scripture or religion as
a whole one of the first questions you want to ask is if all the evidence point to Christianity being true would you
believe if they immediately say no I mean you're wasting your time with them
if you asked a question if all the evidence points Christianity being true would you believe and they say well I don't know maybe then there's some
fertile ground there and so so many times people are willfully uh ignorant
and willfully hardened in the fact that they don't want the gospel to be true
and so that one question really helps me discern whether I want to continue a conversation or not with somebody
so there'll be a lot of people that listen to what you just said and I agree with what you just said but they come to
a point of what we can never give up we can never give up but I'm sure you as somebody who's
actually experienced going with somebody over and over and over to the point of
exhaustion you know where it's like we had an impasse here you're asking me to prove something that you needed to
believe for yourself I think there's examples in the Bible I think Pharaoh is a perfect example of
somebody that God gave over and over and over an opportunity he brought him to the point of decision
the scripture says that God hardened his heart and so people look at that with a calvinistic bent and they say see Pharaoh was just always going to be that
vessel of Wrath Pharaoh responded as God had brought him to a point and Pharaoh
chose a certain way and so God let him do what he was going to do same thing with Romans 1 the reprobates and boy a
lot of people don't understand that but I do agree with you that there there does come a point where it's like if
you're not going to believe facts that are given to you then I can't help you I mean it's like
look at Jesus like after the unpardonable sin of Mark 3 and Matthew 12 how much time did he spend trying to
convince the Pharisees in the Sadducees of his messiahship very little he said you're not going to see another sign and
accept the sign of Jonah the sign of Resurrection now how many times did the apostles not witness to this person or
that person on the missions Road you know one thing that's freeing for me is the fact that I'm not here to save people I'm here to tell people and so if
I were to go out there and tell every single person on the street that I see you know about the gospel of Christ or
try to convince him of the resurrection of Christ I'm not gonna have time you know in the day to eat to sleep to see my family you
know and so there are Divine opportunities I believe God puts in our life to reach but like the Pharaoh if
their mind's already made up if they're hardened they're not ready and so I know
some people say oh we keep trying we keep trying but at what point salvation is not of me salvations of the Lord
between the Lord and the person in their recept receptivity of the Gospel I'm
just a messenger and if the guy's heart and like that though one I'm going to end up doing that I've learned firsthand
is push them farther away from the gospel or they're gonna They're Gonna
Make You ineffective with what you're already supposed to be doing yeah I always have I always have tracks on me
and I'm prepared to give people something so then there are there are times and sometimes they come in bunches
sometimes they don't where there's an opportunity to give the gospel to somebody where I can sit down and have a
conversation working at church here there's been weeks where we've got somebody doing something in the parking
lot doing some work there they come in looking for food blah blah blah and you have a very obvious chance to discuss
with them but I think where a lot of people can get tripped up is they get caught into somebody who's never really
going to take you seriously they just want to kind of troll you clown you to keep you distracted and at the end of
the day you got to kind of be able to say they have to respond to the Lord I've
given them everything that they would need to be pointed to Christ now they have to do the rest they have to I can't
believe for them we would have kids that come to Bible College that don't stick around why because sometimes those kids were
convinced to come outside of themselves here we're going to give you this here we're going to give you that and then at
the end of the day they drop after two semesters well because everything was given to them this wasn't their faith
this wasn't something that they chose it was like a path that was made easier for them
so I definitely I can definitely see your point there and and uh I mean I'm glad that you stand up on that it
doesn't mean we're going to be silent about our faith but also there's going to be people we do this I mean Trent does this as my editor there's any
people where we got to go all right you're done we're taking you out it's it's no longer anything else that we can
uh do but we always have to be ready and I believe that we got to be ready willing and able to give the gospel
should the opportunity arise and sometimes we create those opportunities and that's how I'm that that's where I
believe a lot of my gift is I I love talking to people about the gospel and
seeing what do they believe is necessary to get to heaven yeah um that's not something that happens every single day but I'm ready when that
opportunity does come up and I I train our people to be the same way and sometimes people think like well does
that mean I've got to like overcome this fear and all that just have a gospel track Tony that's a great way to start
yeah and be willing to have that conversation you know I find one one of the easiest ways to
break down that barrier as far as the fear is like out here whenever we eat out in public you know whenever we eat
at the house too we try to you know give thanks for the food you know before we eat and so you'd be amazed you know when
we have a waiter a waitress you know find out what their name is you know Sheila whatever the case but hey Sheila now when we say the blessing for the
food is there anything we can pray for you about you know how's your family and that gives us a segue and you'd be
amazed you know sometimes people are like no I'm good other times I've had people actually break down weeping
because they're going through a traumatic time and here somebody actually cares enough to talk to them
and so that we found was a simplistic way to go ahead and break that bear barrier faith and just start a spiritual
conversation with them and so and now you've got good news to share with them regardless of them of their
circumstances they can know they have eternal life see that to me is somebody who
is taking what they have received the instructions of discipleship living a disciplined life letting your good works
um reflect on the father actually putting those things into play right so
well here I got a couple more questions here um do you have any like maybe personal
accounts of people that have come across your channel that have have benefited or
maybe they trusted Christ maybe they were like Hey I was talking with a friend and this helped get them over to hump to where they would be able to
believe on Christ do you have any stories like that you know at first first glance it was
like very difficult to think of this because like I said I've talked to other people that have YouTube Ministries uh
that are out there and thousands and hundreds of thousands if you will subscribers and I put a post out there not that long
ago on c4c Facebook page uh as far as how discouraging it is because negative
common after negative comment telling you how dumb and how stupid I am and stuff like that and I find that most of the people that
have YouTube Ministries they're like dude you would track some weird people I don't it doesn't seem like I get the
type of feedback that you get so for whatever reason c4c is getting these people that really are just hateful
spiteful things like that but the more I thought about it you know the more I'm
reflecting on okay there are a a few definitely that are very consistent followers
that are very encouraging uh one of them I remember was a year or two ago there was somebody that I don't even know in
Brazil that had commented on one of my videos I don't even remember what one it was but so that how that video that God
had helped them through a very difficult time and getting Clarity on a matter within their own life uh so that's
always been a huge blessing uh really if I had to do this on my website
because on the bottom of the website there's a scrolling ticker that shows some of the comments
on there that people make just hey you know this was very encouraging so we get positive comments the negative outweighs
the positive definitely on c4c and so I do hear the comments like most YouTube
Ministries do hey you know I really love this this really helped me get a lot of clarity but as far as like personal
stuff is unfortunately not not too common at
least on c4c like I said the one in Brazil really was effective and then there's another one from some people in
Australia that free Grace is trying to gain momentum over there yeah so I was invited on a Discord server to help them
understand free Grace a little more specifically as well but like I said I guess it scourged a
lot people that watch c4c they probably don't even know but dude I get discouraged a lot that's a big issue
that I battle with and seeing all these negative comments and I'm the type of person that I'll read every comment I
won't delete any comment unless there's vulgarity I'll even the ones that says I'm dumber than a box of rocks I'll
leave it on there sometimes you know I'll reply you know be like hey how many rocks you got in that box you know type
deal and be a little smart alecky but uh so every once in a while there will be
someone but other interviews with all the interviews I've been doing lately through c4c whether it's Dr any woods uh
whether it's Jay Warner Wallace Jason Lyle some of these others those get a lot of great comments because obviously
those people are being followed by a particular group of people and right and again c4c is about saturating the world
with more good biblical content and truth and so the more I can get some of these well-known people with good teachings out there the better
and so for all the c4c people that may be watching this and you know who you are that are regular followers and
regular commenters I do appreciate y'all I do love y'all uh need more of y'all uh
because yeah if you want to know how discouraging you know YouTube Ministry is create your own and I start talking
about Jesus and uh apologetics and you'll find out yeah that's I mean sorry but I'm just
honest no hey look that's people need to know that because I do think there is this element of like stoicism with the
generation before us where it was like we never suffered we never went through anything negative and
um man I just don't see that in the scripture I see a lot of places where Paul suffered I think of Philippians
actually which I call the joy book because that you know Paul was he was going through so much when he was
writing that but then he looked at this body of Believers that were like you brought me joy and also first
Thessalonians just some great stuff what's my crown of rejoicing it's you you and he's like I I wanted to see your
faces like it's not just I can't wait to see you blah blah like he probably had specific people in mind
um I'm very thankful I I have kind of a buffer um you know we have Trent he's our
part-time editor here and he does a lot of work and we both kind of shoulder that and I was that kind of leads me
into my next question like are you doing all of it are you turning on the camera are you editing are you doing the
content and then you're publishing or do you have someone that kind of comes alongside you to help
I mean humanly speaking this is essentially a one-man operation you're you're looking at the guy wow our our
media producer if you will for the church he's been getting involved a little bit he's a very busy guy with his
full-time job ministry here some other Ministries he's working uh peripheral peripherally as well but he's been I'm
working on a Calvinism series it's called straight out of Calvinism and I'm interviewing different people
that have come out of the calvinist theology into free Grace and so he's doing so a lot of work production editing behind the scenes for that but
essentially it's me you know I get a lot of wisdom and insight from Oscar yeah Oscar if
you're watching it appreciate you buddy so I get a lot of insight from him as
far as video equipment ideas stuff like that because I don't know what I'm doing I'm just a plug and play type of guy and
so as far as that aspect I've gotten a lot of help as far as hitting the buttons it's essentially been me mostly
and uh you could definitely tell if you watch some of the earlier videos I I'm telling I'm talking about senior pastor
be like I need to get those off of the channel because I mean it's all dark you can't even see me I have like one thing
on my wall I went through this season where I tried to have this hat guy persona where I wore a different hat different video then I had my background
I had uh my AR-15 on the background wall with an ax and I look like this like militia of Rebel got I mean I just
didn't know what I was doing so I want to get rid of some of these but definitely is in a learning process and
yeah because of that I mean I I wish I hadn't Trent and y'all set up uh because uh I just don't have the Manpower right
now and that's that's perfectly fine well I mean with with what you have
you're doing great and that's not a slight I look at your content Trent and I both and we're like
we need to incorporate some things like this we need to we need to look at that kind of approach and I don't I really do
know when you had said when you had said you know the the c4c fans the original
guys you know who you are those those guys know what kind of work it goes into but I can say like we waited to start
Bible line until I had somebody because I know how much work it is so how do you
how do you balance all that you know you're a father you have those responsibilities you're a husband you
have those but specifically like your pastoral duties with your YouTube work
how do those things come to the point where it might be messy but they're they're
both getting the time that they need how do you find uh the ability to do that they they don't really get the time they
they need now obviously uh Ministry wow this this is Ministry c4c is Ministry
but my pastoral duties is my number one Ministry so that's always going to Trump c4c you can always tell because if
there's been a long period of time where I haven't posted or uploaded any content that's because I'm I'm focused solely on
you know pastoral duties stuff like that being able to balance it really really
inactive the grace of God uh the fact that my wife I love serving
Ministry my wife is a huge help she does a lot of ministry with me as far as when
we have to run errands and get stuff for the church or organize events and I mean she's my right hand man woman right hand
woman I haven't asked her today if she defines the identifies as a man or woman but I'm hoping a woman still but uh you
know I do love my wife but uh sorry I just had to put that in there but uh no my wife is a big part as far
as uh just helping me with Ministry and then being at a church that we're at in my senior pastor and just the church
folks here they give me the time to restore recover because to be honest you know as well as anybody the pastor it
alone you'll get burned out you need to restore you need to recover because Ministry not just preaching and teaching
but just discipleship and trying to pray for everybody and and check on everybody and it's a lot of work it's a lot more
taxing and then the stuff that's just for blue pops up the stuff is just like and this is going to require my whole
day that's yup that stuff so I honestly don't know how it works other than the
grace of God a great church family a good senior pastor and my wife that's helped great help help me for me but uh
the other aspect is as far as c4c is concerned I have learned that consistency and frequency is key and so
I will try to spend at least every I want to say Monday trying to get some content scheduled for Mondays or longer
videos and interviews and Thursdays are shorter videos if that just means I just take a clip from a teaching I've done
then I'll just do that but I try to schedule it out a month in advance so that if something happens life happens I
don't have to worry about the content not being there so that's one thing I'm learning as well but it's definitely a
juggling act so if you see me go M.I.A on c4c is because I am doing pastoral duties here and pretty knee deep in it
well what you said about building uh you know a month ahead is like is key I know
a lot of big channels do that and that's why they can have like huge Ministries running on the side like I'm pretty sure
Alan Parr I mean this guy I mean no pun intended but par sets the par when it
comes to the consistency and all that yeah and Trent Trent and I have I'm roping
Trent to these conversations but uh just what's just what we talk about like he when it comes to Allen Park the guy
it's in it's a machine all right so it's like every week you're gonna get new content they're gonna be about the same
amount of time and when there's something that diverts from that it draws more attention so you know the fact that you're able to
get consistent and all that I think that's that's the key too we've been steadily climbing in subscribers I
solely believe because of the consistency because YouTube's like I can sell ads on this this is going to keep
me on the channel longer but I always encourage people about consistency but you've got that and I don't want you to be discouraged that even though it's
just a small video that's that's what people eat the most like and and something that they'll share but yeah
the the balance stuff man I can get you on that and I think a lot of times and if if you're listening to this you're
watching this you you see two pastors here who are not primarily doing YouTube
work but are trying to build an effective YouTube Ministry pray for their time because I think a lot of
people sometimes think oh they preach four times a week and the rest of the time they're uh you know doing nothing
and and they got so much flexibility and that's just that's just that's not the
case not the case at all sometimes it's hard to turn the brain off foreign
it's hard to kind of like all right we gotta shut down I got to be with family and do stuff like that but just pray for
people and we will definitely you know be praying for you and I think that kind of wraps up all the questions I have
here I have one more that was like what does the future of c4c look like on YouTube like do you have any
goals that you're actively pursuing because you have you have had some star-studded guests man where I'm like
dude this guy I mean maybe we could talk about that how did you land some of these guys like
did they find you did you just Reach Out the Lord amen yes I just chalk it up to
that and divine Divine appointments if you will uh some of these people I
haven't really been studying free Grace theology but for maybe a year and a half now I mean I've always held to it but
really getting involved in free Grace uh people churches Ministries and so people
like Dr Andy Woods I've never heard of him before from Sugarland Baptist Church I think it is and uh Yankee Arnold I
haven't heard of you know until fairly recently so some of these people I've not heard of
and so really just being a part of Facebook groups I'm asking people hey who would be some good people to talk to
about this topic that topic so people will give me some names and I have no idea who they are and so I'll just send
an email and Lord just worked it out to where we can get some of these you know if you will Heavy Hitters uh just get on
their calendar in their schedule yeah I will say they're I'm not going to drop names
but there was a few years ago I reached out to a very well-known very well respected
Christian apologist and reached out to this person and that invited them onto the channel now this was after I got
Jason Lyle from Institute creation research got Answers in Genesis staff some of these others that you know tens
of thousands of views if you will and I reach out to this other apologist and they replied back and not verbatim
but I'm paraphrased but they're like you know so and so has a very busy schedule
when your subscriber count essentially gets bigger and you have a wider audience then we can talk and so I was
looked at because I was a small YouTube channel I couldn't buy any time a day with this person and that was very very
discouraging yeah but I believe in the answer to prayer I've been praying for
uh the right people I've been praying for opportunities I believe that you have not because you ask not you have
not because you ask and miss that you can consume it upon your lusts and so just being honest we're all with God and
saying Lauren you know who and you know just wanting to do this to get more information out and he's just provided
the people for me and so I just talk it up to God and as far as Milestones or
goals for c4c I just want to keep doing what we're doing be honest the scripture honor and glorify God I don't know how
much you or Trent look at YouTube and analytics but I could care less about views I could care less about
subscribers early on I did but I don't care about that anymore one of the reasons is because I looked at the
analytics today only like 26 percent of My Views come from subscribers that means 73 plus
percent are coming from people that aren't even subscribed so even the subscriber number is really a uh a bad
gauge a bad metric I mean I'm subscribed to probably like 20 different channels and I don't watch all their stuff all
the time you know maybe hardly ever and so I used to be about numbers very discouraging because once I finally hit
100 I was trying to get 500 500 now I'm trying to get a thousand and you will never get satisfied with numbers and
statistics and stuff like that so I just want to keep doing what we're doing and honor and glorify God try to stick to
the biblical truth try to continue developing thick skin and just like I said get more of the world saturated
with good biblical content in a way that edifies God and and glorifies God and edifies other people and that's really
the goal so yeah man absolutely well here in Tampa we're supporting you like
you have our subscription you have this platform here obviously we want to get
you introduced to the people on our Channel it always amazes me when people
say oh I just discovered Yankee Arnold and I'm like this guy's like a big part
of my life but it reminds you like there's a lot of stuff going on out there that you just don't know about and
one of the pros of technology is connecting everybody together and I I of course I think one of my missions of
course with Bible line is to get the gospel clear I want people to know where they're going to go when they die but I
also want them to see you can get an answer to your question you might not like the answer to your question but you
can get one and there there's an opportunity for you to get one and if there's a good biblical question there
should be a good biblical answer but another part of this too and why we do these interviews is I want to create oh you know a net so
to speak not like a network but just like a group of people that can rely on one another and it can be like a unified
front where we're not kind of like tied down with boards and all sorts of stuff like that it's like hey this is my
brother in Christ and he's working over there in Alabama let's pray for him let's support him
and and you know you're actually one of the first channels and individuals that we've interviewed that are not really in
our Circle and what I mean by that circle is Florida Bible College um you know
some some parts of fga I know where I I know Jeremy Vance and I know Dr Charlie
Bing we actually support um Dr Bing and um you know make it clear
Ministries and you know which is a part of the old FBC but outside of that
there's not really a lot going on and so yeah when this channel was proposed to
me I was like yeah this guy's clearing the gospel he's got a good articulation he's got a passion for it let's get him
on let's talk YouTube let's talk the state of Christianity Today and and let people know like wow fbc's not the only
place you can get saved yeah I mean I I don't think people are really saying that but I do I do know for a fact man
the way social media is designed it keeps you in what you know and it's just hard to meet people that are outside of
your circle you know it's yup it's it's uh pretty impossible I think I actually
think breaking out of that and just getting in like I like what you said you just send emails just send it see what
happens and you never know they might have an opportunity to do so and then you have to be prepared and we all have
to be prepared for that opportunity should it come yep definitely well it's been great man I've I've
enjoyed this time and I know before we started recording like we were really getting into some good stuff and I think
we covered a lot of that but I just want to encourage you I can I can definitely see the burden there with uh
discouragement man I get that and and uh I'm glad you're not afraid to say it
that you're going through it but I want you to know you're doing a lot of good work for every person that comments
there's probably five or six that don't and that are that are that are using
your content um like you said you want to be a voice to saturate with good biblical content the best way to do that is keep going
so you know I appreciate that I appreciate what you guys do out there and the opportunity to be a part of
Bible line today and just honored to be you know invited here so glad we're able to get it last time schedule didn't
worked out because we had a tornado out here and so I was still working on uh recovery efforts for some houses out out
near this area but uh yeah no it's been honor and privilege man I appreciate it and prayers for you guys your ministry
your church and and so thanks yeah no problem and we'll we'll put some links
in the description to point people to open door to uh and
then maybe when you're done with that straight out of Calvinism series maybe we can hop on and start chatting about
some Calvinism because man it is rampant it is rampant yeah
anybody that's uh following our Channel I got a big thing that I'm gonna be
releasing soon enough uh just a little teaser out there so everybody's familiar with the
calvinist Tulip acronym I finally came up what I think is a home
run in an acronym that counters every letter in tulip in the same order and it
is still a flower and so I'm working on finalizing a video on that so maybe we
can get this tulip kicked away we can get our minions Daisy cooked kicked away yep and we can actually have a clear uh
acronym that speaks to biblical truth so that's going to be coming out soon hopefully uh by mid-march it should be
released and uh so yeah people you have to check it out man what is This Acronym yeah dude that's I like it they call
tulip the devil's flower well not they but you know and then another thing too
um the the uh I think his name is Leighton flowers you familiar with Leighton flowers yeah he's got his I I
can't remember the name of what that is uh what is it providing his acronym is provide I believe is for provisionism
yeah yeah yeah so he's he's out there fighting it too but all right man yep
that sounds good so I'm glad everybody was able to stick around the channel and subscribe for more content like this if
you enjoyed today's episode of Bible line make sure to subscribe to the channel and share this video with a
friend do you have a Bible question send us an email questions at and we'll do our
best to get you an answer or you can leave your question in the comments of this video be sure to check the links in
the description for more clear Bible teaching Bible news and Ministry of Calvary Community Church located in Tampa Florida

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