Were You Not Born For A Time Such as This? | John Dyslin and Celeste Solum (2/1/23)

2 years ago

In this video John Dyslin, author of Nehemiah Strong, speaks with Celeste Solum on her show Celeste LIVE. John and Celeste sharpen iron regarding the criticality of taking action during a time when action is needed. John, referencing the legendary Biblical story of Queen Esther, reminds listeners of a simple message: The time to act is now, and you’re the one who must take action!

Listen to the full interview: https://rumble.com/v291q8e-celeste-live-with-author-john-dyslin-john-dyslin-and-celeste-solum-2123-ful.html

John’s website: https://johndyslin.com/

Celeste’s website: https://shepherdsheart.life/

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