The Initiation Point - Truth and Challenge - Unity Consciousness = GoldRing

2 years ago

The conclusion effects of the disturbances in the polarity of the magnetics will result in the symptoms of fatigue and loss of intelligence. This will avail an apathy that will take over the system as the virus attacks the very energy structure of the body, the ATP. The ATP viruses of the coming plague will not result in pain but the loss of energy and in the resulting form of what has been seen as AIDS where the body is unable and incapable of fighting off disease. The liver will be basically functioning in toxins and polluting the body with dirty blood.
The ability of the liver to produce light, or new energy will cease and the body will become a useless vehicle and begin a fast process of internal degeneration. The opposite of this is the clean liver and the one that is fun toning on a higher or increased frequency will be producing cells that are adapted to the differing electromagnetic etheric environment.
The body will produce the electro-chemicals of higher consciousness that will avail a transmutation of lower or crude elements into a correlated form of spiritual ATP energy. This result will allow the person to utilize the vehicle for higher expansion rather than be subject to the decay that will result in a discordant picture of reality.
The fundamental functional units of the nervous system is the nerve cells or the neurons are beginning to produce a difference in their electrochemical energy. This can be noted just in the expectation of energy. These nerve impulses are not electrons but have been associated with a negative charge.

The new charge is a twin crossing polarity that moves between a positive and a negative like a pulsar. The movement will be clearly seen as a two way street rather than the movement electrically charged atoms (ions) across the nerve cell membranes that has created impulses for stimulation or retardation.
The nerves are being stimulated on quantum level from galactic rays of energy. This is causing an increase in the activity and in a resistive state a shorting out of the circuitry of the ones that are now endowed with the minerals and essential fluids to establish the enhanced links.
The current links are being increased beyond the typical modes, they have been involved in conducting impulses from the periphery of the body to the central nervous system (afferent neurons), and conducting impulses from the central nervous system to the periphery of the body (efferent neurons). The network of interconnecting neurons between afferent and efferent neurons or neural networks are being added to by an electromagnetic etheric multi-dimensional web of grid points that are magnetically pulling energy from the present neurons. These neurons are situated in the cerebral spinal fluids, the ocean and are focused as harmonic points, mid points or the geometric inter-relationship points.
These are the light encoded filaments, the focus points of the grid network of the expanded neural network. They form and supplement the substance of energy and provide doorways of consciousness.

These light, worm holes, doorways, gateways, gaps, etc. enable the lessening of the need for the spatially located materialization of form. The light encoded filaments are effectively the points of the harmonic convergence of matter forced together through geometric implosion.
There are central nodal points in all systems, this sets the magnetic current and then within the cells and the DNA they form the six pointed star with the dual helixes at each point which in turn have a central strand nodal alignment. All is reproduced in harmonics so that in each of the spirals hold a cognizant resonant vibration that is matched within the empowerment structure. The empowered center is thought of as the timings, frequency or the rhythm of the radiation. In DNA the points are placed upon the line of growth and indicate releases of certain chemicals or messengers and these are brought through into the system through the TDNA and then turned into the RDNA for the actual production of the proteins and the life forms.

This is all done within the context of complete harmony with the system of timings and cycles. This can only be accomplished with their is complete nourishment of the body system. The requirement of wholeness and health relies on the substance being complete without flaw.
The conception of the diseases of the manufacturing is only based in the appropriate reduction of life to its more pure form. There is lessening of the pull of the body to create more and more cells in order to hold specific coded frequencies and to maintain a harmonic relationship with the higher overtones of the coded frequencies of itself. The masses of humanity will going through a process of thinning as the fruit is being prepared for the tree. The current situation can be likened to that of a tree that is holding too much fruit for its branches.

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