One Small Step: Efficiency for Managers

2 years ago

If you are like most folks, you have one big thing to accomplish every day. Very successful people get their one big thing done most days. Most people also have very complicated tasks to accomplish. The successful have mastered how to tackle and complete them. If you aren't accomplishing your big or complicated tasks on a regular basis, and you fit one of the four categories listed below, this course will teach you how to do both.

Subscribe at and you can learn to efficiently take over your day by mastering these seven topics:

Lesson 1. Use the One Small Step method to beat procrastination, which shifts your focus to the task at hand. This is a major reason why people don't accomplish what they must to be successful each day. You will learn how to spot obvious and very subtle forms of procrastination, and then take One Small Step to minimize it.

Lesson 2. Use the One Small Step method to plan your day to accomplish the maximum. Planning is a real art form. You can under plan and you can over plan. What is important is being cognizant of this, and improving your planning process throughout your career. I don't just give you a planning tool and say, "Here, use this." I share the skills necessary to take a simple plan, which I do provide, a fine tune it based on the realities of your situation. Knowing what you must get done each day ubiquitous in successful leaders and productive employees.

Lesson 3. Use the One Small Step method to put an end to multitasking. There is a lot of misinformation about multitasking going around organizations these days, Most of it is bad information. Current science shows that people really can't focus on more than one thing at a time, let alone accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously. It is not as easy as just saying you are going to only focus on one thing at a time because you are bombarded with multiple stimuli during your workday. This lesson is a segue into the rest of the course. It points you to them and they look back at it.

Lesson 4. Use the One Small Step method to declutter your life, which will make you so much more efficient than you can imagine. Being able to put your hands on what you need, when you need it-without going through piles of paper-is a real timesaver. I teach you how to manage clutter, so what you need is in front of you and what you don';t is out of your sight. You will have command of your desk, files and file cabinets, etc. And just like lesson 3 is a segue into 4 through 7, this lesson is a segue into 5 through 7. When we think of decluttering, cleaning our desk comes to mind. That's only physical clutter. Electronic clutter is at least as inefficient and will also Destry your

Lesson 5. Use the One Small Step method to learn to manage programs and apps to avoid electronic clutter. I teach you how to minimize "searching" your computer to find what you need to get your one big task done. It is very similar to lesson 4, in that I teach you to take command of "space" to ensure you are successful in accomplishing your complex and large tasks every day.

Lesson 6. Use the One Small Step method to learn how to effectively deal with email, instant messages, telephone and face-to-face communications, Emailed seemed like such a great idea back when it was invented. The harsh reality is that more unproductive time is spent on it than productive. It is also another place people waste time while finding the email they are looking for. How many emails do you have in your inbox? I almost always have zero. I teach you a simple system to only have the email you are working on in front of you, when you need it.Other forms of communication such as instant messages, phone calls and face-to-face conversations are also filled with opportunities to be inefficient and unsuccessful. I will teach you a few simple tricks to rid them of the inefficiencies and have them help you become very productive.

Lesson 7. Lastly I will teach you how to accomplish overwhelming tasks through delegation, and bunching. Delegation is the most powerful tool in the workplace. When deployed correctly, it unleashes the power of your employees, builds the leaders who will fill in behind you as you climb the organizational ladder and makes your people and you look like superstars. In fact, you won't just look like it, you will become superstars. It is also seldom used in most organizations, so you may need courage to implement it. I walk you through the process, from soup to nuts, so you can focus on the tasks you want to delegate.This is the skill that made me the most successful manager in my organization, year after year. Bunching tasks means doing similar things at the same time, when they lend themselves to efficiency through numbers. I will teach you to identify which tasks can and can't be bunched.

Most courses-even at expensive, prestigious colleges, give you information and then expect you to retain and figure out how to use it in the workplace. And sometimes you only get to use it years after completing the course. I am presenting something much different. In this course, I test you with traditional quizzes and tests for retention, but there is so much more. It is a course you take over and over, until you are at the top of the corporate food chain; and at the end of that chain is a gold watch and long, relaxing retirement.

As mentioned before, I will teach you to build a managers toolkit for use at work. All materials from the course will be in there, so you can go back and refresh yourself and revisit subjects you find yourself struggling with. You can retake the quizzes to see if you are still retaining the subject matter.

This course isn't a magic bullet, you will do hard work, both off and on duty. It is not a course you take while off duty and then try to remember what to do when you get to work. The course comes with job aids you will use to become more efficient at work. You will build these job aids into a managers tool kit to use as you climb the ladder and accomplish your dreams. I was once like you, and then I discovered the secret to getting my job done quickly and effectively. And, if I can do it so can you. So, take that One Small Step now and sign's free!

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