الأحقاف‎ Surah Al-Ahqaf | Quran | 046 Most Beautiful Recitation

1 year ago

The 46th chapter of the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Ahqaf, has 35 verses. Al-Ahqaf, which translates to "The Curved Sands," is the name of a location in Yemen that is close to the city of Hadramawt.

The surah addresses Makkans who disbelieved in the word of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The account of the Prophet Salih and the Thamudi people, who perished due to their rejection and failure to accept Allah's instructions, is mentioned at the beginning. This serves as a warning to the Makkan people to avoid making the same errors as earlier civilizations.

Allah stresses the need of adhering to His instructions and having faith in His messengers to the people in this sura. It also emphasizes the concept of accountability for one's acts on the Day of Judgment, when everyone will be assessed according to what they did in this life. The last verse of the surah issues a warning to those who continue to reject Islam, informing them that they would suffer a harsh penalty in the afterlife.

The Quran's Surah Al-Ahqaf is a crucial section because it emphasizes the negative effects of disbelief and disobedience to Allah. It acts as a reminder for everyone to heed Allah's instructions and have faith in His messengers. The surah also underlines the necessity of leading a moral life in this world and the notion of responsibility on the Day of Judgment.

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