Hound: A Transformers Story Episode 16: Travelling To California

2 years ago

Disclaimer: I do not own the sound effects or music in this video. All of it belongs to its rightful owners.

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Hound: Attention team! We've all been given a new assignment.
Prowl: Good, what is this one Hound?
Crosshairs: Come on Red we’ve got work to do!
Red Alert: Hold on, so as I was saying Inferno before I was rudely interrupted, I’ll see you soon friend.
Inferno: You too, can’t wait to go on a mission with you again.
Red Alert: I’ll check up on you soon friend.
Inferno: I’ll be waiting to hear Down Under in the Outback.
Red Alert: Take care! I’ll miss you.
Inferno: So will I!
Red Alert: Alright I’m here.
Hound: The Decepticon Blitzwing has been detected in the state of California, Prime has given us the task of eliminating him.
Red Alert: May I ask why we all have to go?
Hound: In case he has set a trap for us. He may not be alone.
Crosshairs: Let's not forget what happened to Bluestreak either.
Hound: Which is why we're all going together on this plane. And I'd like to introduce you to the new member of our team, Breakaway.
Breakaway: Greetings.
Captain Graham: Scans detected a bogey in an area not far from Sacramento, high Energon reading.
Red Alert: Could be him. It’s gotta be.
Captain Graham: We’ll place the military bases on high alert in California, in case Blitzwing tries to bomb them.
Prowl: If he’s in disguise as one of the planes we will easily find him if we scan him and compare his form to other planes.
Captain Graham: Good luck guys, I gotta meet the team to head to Shanghai.
Hound: Yep, now let's get on this plane. Hurrah.
Breakaway: Where's Prime Hound?
Hound: He's on his way to Shanghai with his group to hunt down Sideways and Demolisher.
Crosshairs: Pilot, how long will it take to get to California?
Pilot: Estimated 3 hours.
Crosshairs: Damn looks like I'm gonna be bored.
Pilot: Hound, we're almost outside Mission City.
Hound: Good, I'll inform Ironhide that we are about to land. Ironhide, do you copy?
Ironhide: I'm here Hound.
Hound: We're about to land in California, what's happening in Shanghai?
Ironhide: We've just taken down Sideways and Demolisher, but before Optimus executed that punk Demolisher, he said something that is making us worried.
Prowl: What did he say?
Demolisher: This is not your planet to rule! The Fallen shall rise again!
Hound: The Fallen? As in Megatronus Prime?
Ironhide: It appears as though he may be returning. We must be prepared for the worst.
Hound: Indeed we must, we will report back to you once we neutralise Blitzwing. Hound out.
Pilot: We are above the landing zone, you ready to jump?
Hound: Let's move team, the hunt is about to begin!

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