Ukraine War Latest - UK Column News - 10th February 2023

1 year ago

- Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine—10 February 2023
- Air alert was announced all over Ukraine
- Ukraine says two Russian missiles crossed into Romania and Moldova
- Guardian: Russian cruise missiles crossed into Moldova and Romania, says Ukraine
- The situation in Artyomovsk (Bakhmut): what is known at the moment (milchronicles)
- Unusual Admission: Zelensky Takes Credit for Derailing the Minsk Agreements
- Seymour Hersh: How US Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline
- President Biden on Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine: "We will bring an end to it."
- Kim Dotcom: Liz Truss messaged “It’s done”
- White House rejects Seymour Hersh report
- Kremlin says those behind Nord Stream blasts must be punished
- 15,000 Starlink user kits have been delivered to Ukraine
- Politico—UkraineX: How Elon Musk’s space satellites changed the war on the ground 
- Musk deputy’s words on Starlink ‘weaponization’ vex Ukraine

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