ShineSeeker Series Episode 1 "Voices Inside Me (Ep.1 Disassociation)"

2 years ago

Summary of this episode:
We are disassociating more and more as a way to cope with living when feeling and connecting is how we should be living, by nature. There is no shame but there is responsibility.
We are doing this for a few reasons...lack of trust in our capacity to feel because of lack of experience in allowing them, fear of judgment(judging ourselves), and lack of cellular energy due to mineral dysregulation.
When we don't allow ourselves to feel all that we feel, the feelings dont just go away. They get stored, then after a while they show up as symptoms.
"How do you know you have stored emotions?" I ask!

Experience this episode to hear my point of view on how we can begin to increase our capacity to feel and ultimately, be ALIVE and shine through MINERALS MINDSET and the MOMENT.

ShineSeeker presents Voices Inside Me. A reoccurring segment on ShineSeeker Series exposing voices inside on varying topics regarding health, life, art, or whatever wants to be expressed.

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