10 02 23 SCOTLAND THIS WEEK with David P Griffiths

1 year ago

The Long Long List of Professional mRNA Warners

Introduced by David P Griffiths declaring words that have come through UK Leader David Kurten over our opposition from the beginning to the mRNA vaccine roll-out and the devastating lockdown, both actions in our view costing lives either through death or serious life changing injury.

The issue of freedom is prevalent here too as we present a massive list of medical, scientific and journalistic expertise supporting our warnings in relation to both the rollout and lockdown.

This is in reply to "Wokist Neil" from North Wales who demanded proof on Facebook. We believe this programme provides infallible proof as well as the medical and scientific evidence that clearly in our view disproves the position of SAGE and WHO.

How can we trust the government system in Scotland so connected to the global order, a system that cries out for apparent independence but wants to put us under the charge of un-elected officials. Well. the Scottish Heritage Party is saying "no" and invites you to join us to save our nation, all the lives of our nation protecting everyone from conception to the grave!

There has to be reasons for excess deaths in the whole of UK including Scotland and in the Scottish context we present what we believe to be the main reasons:

1) The mRNA vaccine rollout promoted by the Scottish Government without presenting all medical and scientific belief.
2) The LOCKDOWN that has seriously impacted the economy giving so many serious physical and mental health difficulties.
3) DRUGS and ALCOHOL ADDICTION problem we understand to be the highest in Europe and getting worse as a result of the lockdown.

This is all before a good going through of national and local papers in Scotland - all in "SCOTLAND THIS WEEK!"

Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415. E Mail: scotsheritage4219@gmail.com

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