February 10, 2023

2 years ago

Psalm 46:1 King James Version
46 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.


What does being home in God mean?

How would your response to hardship change if you chose to live in the shelter of the Most High?

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from his word this morning, especially as I was reading Psalm 91, that speak to the fact that God is truly our refuge, that is always there to welcome us home, and will never turn us away. I'd like to invite you to join me in this vlog tonight, as we learn how we can have safety from God as our home every day and show Him the gratitude He deserves for the home that we have in Him. Come join me in this vlog tonight and learn this truth for yourself! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I pray that you will see the true home that you have in God, and never be afraid to run to Him. That you will never be afraid to run to and cling to God in every and every situation of your life. Remember that even though trouble will come, you'll experience trauma, and yes go through lots of hardships, no that you can rest in God's sovereign wisdom, love, and care, knowing that in God, His precious To protect, deliver, and sustain you are true. Know that being home and God, means that you are safe and secure in Him, and but most of all that you are loved by Him! My prayer for all of you, is that you will choose to make God your refuge helmet to live “in the shadow of the Almighty” every day, knowing that no trouble will ever touch you except what God in his infinite wisdom and love will allow. That You as a follower of Jesus, are as pastor Greg Laurie stated so well “Indestructible until God decides to call you home”, and know that you are truly in the safety of God, and home in Him!



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