Distro Monday 45: “‘Peach 45!”

1 year ago

Mint-y News
Fedora 38 News
Freedom Consultation
Welcome Apps for Noobs

DM 45.1 – Minty News
Next version, due out in June, will be codenamed Victoria. This will be Mint 21.2, and here are a few things they have in store for us. Usually the Mint team doesn’t take huge leaps, but rather, small, refined steps. So here’s the list of not-necessarily-obvious changes:
· Improvements to Slick Greeter across flavors
o Access to changing keyboard layouts
o Auto-enabling tap-to-click (if using a touchpad)
o Configurable layouts in Onboard, the onscreen keyboard
§ improve keyboard navigation (so the caret can be repositioned in typed passwords using arrow keys)
§ show a button to toggle password visibility
§ allow scrolling in the session picker
o Possible Wayland support of some sort
· Photo improvements
o HEIF and AVIF support added
o XReader will now be able to preview Adobe Illustrator images
o Pix will now be based on gThumb 3.12, which will bring lots of good stuff into the picture
· Based on Ubuntu 22.04 & the 5.15LTS kernel for stability.
· More... We will keep an eye on this one as the time gets closer.
#distromonday #Linux #linuxmint #mintnews #TechFreedom #FOSSnews

DM 45.2 – Fedora 38 & Flatpaks

In the past, Fedora has only offered limited Flatpak access, through their filtered list, to protect them from any overly litigious developers who may take exception to their app being on Flathub. Well, no more. It has been decided that starting with Fedora 38, that will no longer be the case. Of course you can still access the Fedora Flaptaks list, but you’ll now have default access to all of the goodness of Flathub. That is, starting in April, when Fedora 38 is released into the wild. I would call this a progressive move by the conservative Fedora team. Not much more to say about it than that...


#distromonday #fedora #Linux #flathub #flatpaks #TechFreedom #FOSSnews

Freedom Consultation

Ever wondered how to get free from Big Tech? This Free 90 minute consultation will leave you with at least pointers to the tools and services you’ll need to do just that.


#distromonday #TechFreedom #consultation #free #Truth

DM 45.3 – How to Make Linux More Noob-Friendly
In this article, Jack Waller suggests that we should implement a skipable, first-login tour app for Linux. This would give new users a basic idea for how to navigate in their chosen desktop environment, where apps are, how to access them, how to tweak settings, install apps, and do other basic tasks. I think Jack is onto something here. In years gone by, I would have balked at this, just a bit, but as someone who is interested in helping people to make the switch from either Windoesn’t or BadApple, this makes a whole lot of sense. This overlay would basically start the onboarding process for new users, and it needs to be created. Windoesn’t and BadApple both do tours of new installs/versions for users, so why shouldn’t Linux? Let’s make this happen, devs. Let’s make Linux easy to use. Ok, some of the neckbeards and Greybeards out there are probably screaming right now, something about wrecking the community, or some other such elitist claptrap. You have had your ubernerd time, boys and girls, it is time to let many more kids into the playground, and see what happens then. I think it will cause the whole thing to mature, and make Linux into the contender we all believe it capable of being. If you need to be an edgelord for some reason, go work on BSD or TempleOS. LOL. Flame me in the comments, if you feel the need. I doubt anyone will even comment though. Prove me wrong.


#distromonday #Linux #noobs #newbies #newusers #userfriendly #letsdoit #TechFreedom #FOSSnews

Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.


#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab #Truth

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