future vision of evolved consciousness.

2 years ago

Let the new Light shine forth in Oneness and creation. In this hour speak with clear and consistent voices the world has followed through pain as a path through 5,000 years of history. The era was planned, the madness that you see about you was the method to focus you to change and live in peace in higher intelligence. It is not a foreshadowing of disaster that will erupt and ruin the lives of those who live on this earth. The worry and the fear of the latter creates more fear yet there is an energy that streams to the world with a force that cannot be stopped. The energy of this fear may cause some to leave before the plan is fulfilled and in their journey. Yet in this time they are not lost to the body of humanity.

Cosmic Galactic energy is being directed to invoke all life on the planet to evolve. In this time there exists a dark force, The Dark force Masters, the Black Alliance, which is mobilized to defend itself against the changes. The lesser goes against the tide and the power as long as it can. It does not have the will or the ability to hold back the power of the ocean of spirit which shall transform the world and the time has come for the greater guides the lesser into an experience of manifestation. Open up and love, this is not a dream it has already occurred.

The idea that a few humans can change the destiny of your planet is not possible. The planet itself has directed this change with the galaxy and in harmony with the plan of Higher Intelligence. A small parasitical group cannot live outside the stream of All That Is. This group has no power to take and hold the reins of power past this short period time. It looks like this is occurring yet you are mistaken because you do not know the will power which emanates life from beyond your physical realm.

The non-physical world is the power of creation. The non-physical realm is with peace and perfect abundance. It is completeness, for the linear style of time does not occur for it is a circular dimension where thoughts create what they intend to and they do so in a manner which is simultaneous and harmonious. On earth you must wait for the vibratory response and the harmonics to filter through until there is a resonance. On a non-physical plane it is simple to accept completeness. Your mind has not awakened to the next stage of your development or the existence of your group soul. There are many souls which inhabit your world and they do so through temporal manifestations from a matrix soul where there are many levels of experience. These experiences are happening in linear time in your individual-centered world view.

The whole idea of being caught in temporality is meaningless on the Higher Dimensions, so also the concepts of travel have little understanding to those who have no such limitations. In the legends of the past, you gods, the archetypes changed from one to another. There are the ancients, who are the teachers who come to the present living ones and teach them of their extensions into the group souls who they are connected through. From here the group becomes centered in the teachings of the great knowledge which lays out the chart of the changes and these are called; prophesies.

You are learning or hearing from the Teachers and when you listen to you inner teachers, your inner thoughts, these words come alive in importance and insights and intuitions. The beings in your world that listen most know these messages are the ones they have been seeking from the beginning of their time. They are knowledgeable of the inner teachers and these quiet meditations, intuitions and insights give them meaning, solve the problems and circumstances and lead the way for those who walk upon the solid ground of the planet. Listen and teach those who are hearing of these things with great excitement, for in the world there is a flavor and touch and sound of love, an intensity of feeling which brings to it and attaches to it the elements of change. Know that you are guided by Higher Intelligence when there is a feeling of peace and completeness of thought which is empowered by the feelings of appreciation. You are an able player who wishes to learn these secrets yet you are obscured by a fomenting crisis and the challenges of circumstances which creates the fear of experience.

Balance yourself into the future through the agreement and feeling of its reality and move towards your goal with little thought of letting that which is lacking in the world hold you back from existing in the future vision of evolved consciousness.

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