Florida Administrative Complaint against the Orlando Philharmonic Plaza Foundation

2 years ago

The #Purge of #Woke.
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If there is a #war raging between @floridagop and the #woke cabal,
@flgovrondesantis didn't start it.
I was once unjustly accused of things I didn't do and lost job as a result of it. It was one of the reasons I sought my bachelor's in #criminaljustice.
Governor @rondesantisfl says a lot of things I don't agree with, at all. However, I came from a conservative environment with strong morals and civil duty. You have the right to be what you want to be, to marry who you want to marry. However, you do not have the right to decide of what someone child can do or not. What the @thedemocrats are forcing down the #American people's throat is perverse, and abhorrent.
It is reckless and will backfire on other fragile minorities like #African Americans and the Latin communities. Maybe that is the plan, so that they can point the figure again at the @housegop, calling #Republicans stupid and anti-intellectualist as Senator @senatorhawley called out from the article written by Collen
Just like President @realdonaldtrump said: "Everything woke turns to shit."

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