6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - February 9th PLUS BONUS TIME

2 years ago

#6MinuteDaily #EntertainmentNews2023 #CultureCasino

So the 6 Minute daily is your BLAST of entertainment news and pop culture! The show goes LIVE after the 3 minute musical prelude "sound check" It stays up for the current week at least and then gets archived Odysee.

Sound Check & Shout Outs
State of the Union - Biggest Loser in 30 Years
WGA Steps Into First Position as It Meets to Discuss AMPTP Negotiations
Reboot Will Not Get Rebooted
Activist Investor Peltz Backs Off For Now
Disney Announces Sequels Absolutely No On Wants
Disney Doubles Down on ESPN
Uncle Bob is Open to Selling Hulu
Twitter Places Limits on Tweets and DMs - "Why am I paying for this thing?"
EU Whines About Twitter's Lack of List Making
Netflix Steps Up Account Sharing Enforcement
FTX Founder Won't Stop Talking
Pilot Shortage Should Scare EVERYONE
Credit Suisse Posts HUGE Pre Tax Loss
Swedish Central Banks Raises Rates
Micro Power - Practical Placement
Greenies Melt Down Over Off the Cuff, Off the Speech Comment
Prosecutor Facing Impeachment For Asking For "Compromising" Images
Credits and Promotion

BONUS Time - What's going on with James O'Keefe and PV.

Be sure to tune into Thursday Throw Down on @ComixDivision

Videos for Today -
1 - Penske Makes a Move on Vox Media - https://youtu.be/FaQkPW8wPdo
2 -
3 -

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�� CultureCasino 2023

TITLE: 6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - February 9th

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