List of Really BAD IDEAS! Funniest Fails | AFV 2019

2 years ago

Jumping into a pool from the roof of a house
Trying to ride a horse for the first time without proper training or guidance
Attempting to light fireworks indoors
Eating something that has clearly passed its expiration date
Driving a car without being able to see over the steering wheel. Don't do these things. Really. Check out some new #fails and #badideas! There's nothing funnier than watching these and trying not to laugh lol. America's Funniest Videos has the most epic library for #fail clips and we've put together a list that ends your week with a laugh 😆 Which #fail made you LOL the hardest?Going for a swim in the ocean during a shark sighting
Using a ladder as a makeshift diving board
Trying to fly a kite in a thunderstorm
Driving on a flat tire
Using a selfie stick while skydiving

#fails you missed#funny fails#vines 2019#funny fails 2020#fails 2020

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