Does Eliminating #FossilFuels Cost More Lives Than #ClimateChange For Developing Countries?

2 years ago

Climate Change is real, but so is the fact that capitalism and fossil fuels bring millions out of poverty each year and consequently save millions of lives. The lengths to which some go in the name of environmentalism are not for humanitarian purposes but for political purposes only. The eradication of fossil fuels in developing countries leaves millions vulnerable while having a nominal impact on the environment. Alternative energy is likely the future but eradicating existing energy sources before alternatives are in place is incredibly harmful to the most vulnerable among us.
#aynrand #collectivism #oneamericanpodcast #oneamerican #chasegeiser #fossilfuture #fossilfuels #alexepstein #capitalism #anticapitalism #communism #socialism #marxism #taxationistheft #climatechange #climatecrisis #environment #environmental #environmentalism #environmentalist #globalwarming #greenplanet #protectourplanet #saveourplanet #savetheplanet #sustainability #sustainable #sustainableliving #zerowaste

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