Five Shades of Bleu | Bygones

2 years ago

[YouTube Mirror] [Original Post: Feb 9, 2023]

[Part 1] "Dear Eliza"

[Part 2] "The People vs. Twitter"

Given the continuous evolution of the situation around #ElizaBleu, I have felt the need to close this chapter off properly. I am not giving up on this - there is much to be corrected & salvaged from this really unfortunate situation & I will never give up on my principles.

I feel as though there will be much more I will want to add as things continue to evolve, & it was my original intention to release this after the documentary is released by @FaranBalanced however given the delayed release, & the increasing attack on us "normies" & our right to speak, question & hold people to account, I felt compelled to speak again.

I don't know if my perspective is helpful at all, I hope it is.
If I chose to speak more on this subject I will be active on Twitter, & I may consider a livestream at some stage - however, choosing to capitalise off this sensitive subject matter in terms of building clout & following I kinda regard personally as a little distasteful, especially given the epic grift exposed with #ElizaBleu. I'm conflicted with what to do with this channel after I release this. I am still undecided. Perhaps a new channel separate from this one would be more appropriate? We'll see. Whatever I decide I will let everyone know on here & Twitter.

This has bled out in to adjacent issues now - particularly with the blatant infringement on free speech by #Twitter "Trust & Safety". Our words are simply not safe under Twitter "Trust & Safety". #ElonMusk must intervene & #EllaIrwinMustGo. She is clearly unfit for the position & has acted unethically on behalf of Eliza.

#TimPool & his fellow #TimCast crew have treated us all with utter contempt & he is literally fabricating #FakeNews, by calling us fake news & PAID PR AGENTS!!! I WANT MY PAYOUT!!! I was hurt on a personal level now I'm angry on a community level.

This is gross gaslighting of not only the general public but the entire alt-media sphere who have been pouring hours of dedication in to discovering, exposing & ultimately fixing this giant train wreck caused by #ElizaBleu.

#FreeBrittanyVenti #FreeSpeech
#FiveShadeOfBleu #TheQuartering #TimPool #ElonMusk #ElizaBleu #ElizaKnows #Twitter #YouTube #Censorship

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