Ep. 102 - Tim Herron 2 - The 32 MOA Circle Reticle & TacCon Student Tips

2 years ago

This episode we get an audio pistol lesson from USPSA Grand Master Tim Herron.  Including a discussion about the use of the 32 MOA circle reticle instead of a precise dot with your RDO. Also, as one of the world class instructors for the upcoming TacCon 2023, Tim offers tips to Aaron, Eric, and all first-time attendees. Tim Herron is a USPSA Grand Master in both Single Stack and Limited division, a Master Class CDP shooter in IDPA, and has experience in defensive shooting, IDPA, Steel Challenge, bullseye and target shooting, Bianchi, and the occasional trick shot.  Tim is sponsored by Nighthawk Custom, builders of high end custom 1911 pistols and Federal Premium Ammunition.  


Instagram @timherronshooting  Facebook Tim Herron
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EvoSec Defensive Pistol and Combatives and Weapons Integration - 16 hr course 19-20 Nov 2022 in Tulsa Oklahoma.


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