We Gotta Move the Body

2 years ago

America's Leading Business Journal Hopes Congress Id Smarter than Intelligence Community?

[FOB FREEDOM, February 10, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, according to the U.S. Marshals, recent acquaintances of late-night talk show host, James “Christian” Kimmel, courtesy of one former and internationally notorious guest and recipient of a letter from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican, “writ of habeas corpus orders the custodian of an individual in custody to produce the individual before the court. . . to appear to testify (ad testificandum)”, and, creating an official record, in a court of record, under Va.S.Ct. Rule 3A:24, “[a]ny Order of a circuit court denying a petition for a writ of habeas corpus must include findings of fact and conclusions of law as required by Code § 8.01-654(B)(5)”, and “[t]he order must identify the substance of the claims asserted in the petition, and state the specific reason for the denial of each claim.” So, one former protege of a mob attorney, and in Joisey, is definitely having more fun than should be allowed in a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, after this “offer you can’t refuse”, as the prosecutor in Alexandria, Bryan Porter, who believed he was doing something right after his recent unopposed run for reelection, doubles down on revoking one foundational idea undergirding the democracy that has been repeatedly claimed to be at stake, tossing the Magna Carta and habeas corpus in the trash. And, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. did have a dream that one day America could be true to what it said on paper.

“I’ve had a blast for the past few years, getting the assistance of the NAACP in rolling back civil rights, tossing out the provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that had been recognized by the Supreme Court during the desegregation of lunch counters in Atlanta, but who thought we’d find so much support from the clergy on closing churches, right? Scratch that First Amendment right. I need to ask the MSPB to withdraw that modification I litigated to achieve, because, apparently, the federal workers union is okay with the appellate rights of federal employees and applicants being fraudulently forfeited. Looking forward to Pastor Howard John Wesley kicking my butt in court for his right to kill his congregation. No more need for the Klan. And my main man Bryan is gonna help us get rid of habeas corpus? And who thought we’d get this passed by a majority vote? I should run for majority whip,” jested Major Mike Webb, who apparently has no idea what he is doing, of report, but at least Jimmy Kimmel is not telling jokes about being a racketeering defendant. And, “lots of luck in your senior year”, especially with this novel coronavirus primarily killing seniors.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE! https://rumble.com/vp2uk1-attorneys-need-not-apply-you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent.html.

For more on this topic, please call Major Mike Webb for Virginia at (802) HOT-RLTW, or email at mike.webb84@gmail.com.

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