Good Morning Talk on Feb 9th 2023 - "An Appointed Choice" Part 2/2 with a celestial update!

2 years ago

Celestial update today! Our discussion this week is called "An Appointed Choice", and will finish Acts 13 with Paul and Barnabas sharing the good news, yet coming under persecution. Many people are making choices that affects their destiny. How can that be? We discuss this along with what has happened in the nations of Turkey, Syria and the United States.

Tonight's Scripture -
Acts 13:44-52
The next Sabbath nearly everyone in the town came to hear the word of the Lord. When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy; they disputed what Paul was saying and insulted him. But Paul and Barnabas spoke out even more boldly: "It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken first to you. But since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we will leave you and go to the Gentiles. For this is the commandment that the Lord has given us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, so that all the world may be saved.' " When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and praised the Lord's message; and those who had been chosen for eternal life became believers. The word of the Lord spread everywhere in that region. But the Jews stirred up the leading men of the city and the Gentile women of high social standing who worshiped God. They started a persecution against Paul and Barnabas and threw them out of their region. The apostles shook the dust off their feet in protest against them and went on to Iconium. The believers in Antioch were full of joy and the Holy Spirit.

Todays Shared Videos -
The Luciferian Agenda | J.B. Hixson - Prophecy Watchers

Gates of Zeus´ Temple (Throne of Satan) is Unearthed in Turkey & WILD-FIRES IGNITE SIMULTANEOUSLY!!! - STEVE FLETCHER 222

M7.8, 7.5, 6.0 and 120 more Earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria in one day! NDNews Weather

Video shows building collapse in Turkey as earthquake strikes CBS News

Sam Smith’s ‘satanic’ Grammys 2023 performance slammed as ‘evil’ | Page Six Celebrity News
Page Six -

US Shoots Down China’s Spy Balloon - Inside Edition


Frank's simple talk about 'How You Can Be Saved' -


EFC Pakistan Building Project 2021 (completed) -
Pakistan Ministry Center Project 2022 - find more at under 'charity projects'.

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