First Baby Goat is born but not without trouble!

1 year ago

Daisy was going to be our newest mother on the farm. I went out in the morning to feed the animals and I noticed Daisy was walking with some feet sticking out of her so I knew she was in labor. The feet were already dry so the sack had burst and there was little time so I tried to help her out and get everything situated. The baby's head was turned around and I could not get it right so we had to pull her out. She made it and is very weak from her ordeal but alive and here. The struggle was not over though as Daisy had another coming immediately but he was really misplaced and we could not get him right either and had to eventually pull him and he never took a breath. Daisy seemed sore but fine she started eating and drinking and being more normal but she had been torn internally during all this and even with antibiotics she became septic and passed the next day. We are now bottle-feeding the little girl and we have named her Hope after two days she has not walked yet but we are very close. Wado for Watching

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