Comparing A-TACS FG, PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2, Multicam

2 years ago


Testing the effectiveness of A-TACS FG (also known as Green Moss), PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2, and Multicam at moderate distances in a semi-arid sagebrush steppe environment. Discussing the results as well as a few other considerations to be had when selecting a camouflage pattern and setting it up for your environment.

*Multicam is present in all camouflage scenes (with one exception), therefore the chapter timestamps are named based on whichever other camouflage is being shown in the scene (i.e. A-TACS FG Scene 1)

0:00 - Introduction
1:55 - PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2 Scene 1
5:00 - PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2 Scene 2
7:15 - PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2 Scene 3 (No Multicam)
9:31 - A-TACS FG Scene 1
11:55 - A-TACS FG Scene 2
14:07 - Camouflage considerations, conclusion

GGFM (SDKWeber):

Originally uploaded on YouTube: 2022-10-01
Recording date: 2022-08-21

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