The Sin Virus and Temptation

2 years ago

Every human being is infected with a virus that leads us to rebel against God and work hard to avoid following the commands of God and His Word. When it comes to stopping viral infections, medical vaccines are not 100% effective and flu and covid-19 shots are only about 50% effective. For this sin virus there is no inoculation and, to make the situation worse, unlike most human viruses, the sin virus is 100% fatal.

So, what can we do? Well, our loving Heavenly Daddy thought of this a long time ago and provided a solution. He sent His Son, Jesus, to live and die as a human being on this earth in a sinless life that gave Him the right to take onto Himself the punishment for our sins that came from this sin virus.

This teaching explores the sin virus, and its effects on us. It also explores temptation and what part we and the devil play in temptation to sin. You may be surprised at one of the techniques the devil uses to encourage us to sin, and that is false emotions. This teaching also explores how the sin virus is mitigated when we live in Jesus and let Him live in us.

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