The Believable Lie[3] -The Agenda by The Loud Cry

2 years ago

Re-Issue of Part Three in the short video series:
"Believing - The Believable Lie"

Part Three in the video series about "Believing - The Believable Lie" considers "The Agenda,” namely the United Nations Agenda 21.

I recommend that you watch Part One & Two before watching this latest production:

Part One: Do Not be Deceived

Part Two: Depopulation & Medical Tyranny

The video features excerpts from Aaron Russo, David Barron, Elizabeth Yore, John Mearsheimer, Rosa Koire & William Jenkins – reviewing what Agenda 21 is really about - it's not really about recycling and saving the planet.

Hopefully, by the time you reach the end of this video, you will realize that you are in the fight of your life – FOR your life.

Again, because there is so much to be considered, I have produced the video in a multlayered story format. I hope this enables your appreciation of the content and does not detract from it in any way. A lot of the content will not appear on Main Stream Media – I hope it enables you to form a more balanced outlook with regards to the events happening in your own country and around the world.

The video reflects upon the following:
• Agenda 21(what it is really about)
• Communitarianism
• Corporatocracy
• Fascism
• George Soros, the Vatican & the UN
• Lying Leadership
• New World Order
• Pope Paul VI, Vatican II and the UN agenda
• Pope Francis, Laudato Si and the UN agenda
• Social Doctrine of the Papacy
• Totalitarianism
• United Nations & the Bible

Further Study Links:

Coming soon The Believable Lie - Part Four: When You Dissent

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