Was Steven Contractually Forbidden from using Youtube Alternatives? #stopbigcon

2 years ago

If you don't know, Steven Crowder has decided to start a campaign against big conservative media companies and the pro-big tech contracts they make for their contributors.
I've heard both sides, they both have decent points, this isn't about who is right and who is wrong since anything I could say has already been said by others much better. But it does have me wondering if this is has anything to do with how Steven was so anti-competition until he spontaneously was pro-competition. Like Romney and the pro-life thing, what was his "Come to Jesus moment" regarding competition? Nothing changed for him in-front of the scenes, so maybe it was something behind the scenes.

Exposed Steven Crowder banned and should have uploaded elsewhere: https://ccpandhgvideos.blogspot.com/2021/04/exposed-steven-crowder-banned-and.html

Fact Check Steven Crowder's Pro-Youtube Anti-Competition Past: https://ccpandhgvideos.blogspot.com/2021/06/fact-check-steven-crowders-pro-youtube.html

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