Let's Bible Journal Isaiah 45- Part 2 (from Lovely Lavender Wishes)

2 years ago

Join me as we look at Isaiah 45 - Measure Truth

Gather Your Supplies:
script stamp
versamark ink
embossing powder (bronze)
heating tool
printables from Truth devotional on Soul Sisters Bible Journal group on Facebook (or any collage ephemera you may have)
various collage pieces, washi tape, scrapbook paper, etc...
flower & measuring images
scissors & glue
rub on transfers (or stickers) or whatever you have (just a variety of collage elements- can add string, ribbon, tape, whatever you want!)
washi tape
word fetti (or Stricture verses)
Glue, Glue, Glue!! LOL!
date stamp

Contact me: trtlodolce@yahoo.com

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