20-yr-old Nigerian footballer slumps and dies during match in Spain. #football

2 years ago

20-yr-old Nigerian footballer slumps and dies during match in Spain.

A 20-year-old Nigerian footballer, identified as Ado Bala Hadi, has reportedly sluumped and died during a match in the Spanish fourth-tier division.

Bela passed on on Sunday, February 5, while playing for CD Madridejos against SP Cabanillas.

Confirming the death in a statement on the club’s website, Madridejos said: “CD Madridejos footballer Ado Bala Hadi, 20, died this Sunday afternoon while playing the game against Sporting Cabanillas, at the Madridejos municipal field (Toledo).

As reported by the 112 emergency and emergency service, the accident took place at 5:13 pm, when the player began to suffer seizures and 112 was notified, which activated a UVI, an emergency doctor and a life support ambulance, although the young man has died in the field.”

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