Living Under Law or Grace - 5

2 years ago

Are you struggling and striving and working to serve God but just not feeling successful? Maybe working harder but enjoying it less? You are not alone. This teaching is for you.

This is, in a way, a continuation of the teaching about our identity, the teaching that asks, “Who Are You?” As Christians, we start off serving God with a feeling of God’s overwhelming grace. We know that Jesus forgave us of our sins, brought us into His Kingdom, and lavish His love on us. And, at the time of conversion, we all have a deep understanding of the fact that we did not do anything to earn or deserve the grace and favor that God poured out on us.

But, somewhere along the way, after serving the Lord for a while, we start to become beguiled by the alure of works and the flesh and the Law. We start thinking that now that we are saved, we need to start “earning our keep,” somehow. We feel like need to clean up our act and become more holy.

This teaching is about that slide from grace into the flesh and the law, how to recognize when you are operating in the flesh and how to come back into the place of walking under God’s grace and favor.

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