2 years ago

“When this Good News (WHAT Jesus accomplished for humanity by His painful death on the cross) has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14). Please SUBSCRIBE to this channel to expand awareness of it and pass these testimonies along to OTHERS to hasten the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you!

WHAT GOOD NEWS EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW: JESUS DID IT! Jesus destroyed the barrier of sin between God and mankind at the cross!

The Truth of what Jesus Christ accomplished for humanity by dying on the cross and taking the punishment for our sins and giving us the FREEdom to reunite with God is the most important Truth God has for the human race. Yet multitudes of people would disagree. One of the greatest reasons they disagree is because they don't realize that everything God hates about them was nailed to the cross that Jesus died on.

See - we who are Christians have often-times tried to make Christianity so "palatable" to the masses that we've failed to inform them that God the Father HATES it when we sin against Him and others. Afterall - God doesn't just "dislike" it when we sin ... He HATES it! Most people don't want to hear that, because it's so offensive to some -- so stunning; so shocking to others. Yet the Bible states that His righteous judgment against it will separate a person from Him for ETERNITY to pay for their wrongdoing.

YET HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS! Jesus provided humanity with a solution to this dire matter. He took the punishment for our wrong-doing against the Father and others, as the policeman in this testimony came to understand through much pain.

Truly - everything God hates about you and I and others was nailed to the Cross of Calvary. We can live the rest of our lives not really caring all that much until it's too late when we die ... or we can live every day of our lives realizing just how PRICELESS the free gift of God's forgiveness (Salvation) for our wrongdoing against Him and others truly IS.

God has asked the ministry of Precious Testimonies to try to help inform the masses of what Jesus accomplished for them on the cross. We are making available 50 FREE copies of the JESUS DID IT! Best News Gospel Flyer to anyone in the United States who requests them ... so they TOO can help inform people in their own neighborhoods of this PRICELESS gift from God - the gift of eternal forgiveness (Salvation). You can learn more about this important offering by clicking on the following link:

To go to the original video this testimony comes from, you can click on the following link:

Please help distribute the Gospel message in YOUR community.

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