Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Thurs. 9 Feb. 2023

2 years ago

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Thurs. 9 Feb. 2023 video
Rubin Report Twitter hearing FBI James Baker breakdowns
GESARA Disclosure: (from Zorra)

Sharon: Every person born on this planet receives a Birth Certificate that has a number on it and is printed on special paper. When signed by their parents, they -unknowingly- authorize the newborn to be property of the government. That certificate becomes a BOND (Bond like Zimbabwe), they take it to the bank transforming it into a “bank note” and they end up opening an account in your name without your knowledge.
When you receive your document number, and together with the one on your Birth certificate, you can obtain information about your account. One of those numbers becomes the account number and the other is the bank’s routing number.
I have searched for mine and I have found pages and pages of available money and who is connected to my account, that is, who are the ones who have access to use it. There is so much money in them that it can last for generations and generations and it would be impossible for it to end.
In my account there were names of shipping companies, congressmen, stores, financial institutions, private persons, hundreds and thousands of people using the money that is in them… Also here in the USA, there has been talk lately that there was not enough money for our retirement and what is paid to retirees, they take it out of our own accounts that have millions and millions of dollars.
Sharon: The accounts were a creation of the dark government called the Cabal group. They deposit a large amount, I’m not sure, I think it’s 1 million (although what they deposit isn’t their money either) but from there it starts to grow and accumulate.
One of the people I have connected to my account, she has access to 4 trillion and is only 1 of all the people listed. I have noticed that the last transaction was in April of last year (2016).
In 2017 Pope Francis signed the release of all people on the planet so that they are Sovereign Beings and not owned by the Vatican and the British crown in conjunction with the PPC.
Donald Trump signed Executive Order #13968 with the title: “PROMOTING REDEMPTIONS OF SAVING BONDS”/Promoting the Redemption of Saved Bonds.
The people who are investigating what each Executive Order that D. Trump has signed during his time in government means are drawing the conclusion that this EO means: that every human being on planet earth has the RIGHT to redeem the BONUS for being the LEGAL OWNER.
This is just one of the prosperity packages they are going to distribute.

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