God only hides His agenda from those who are perishing

1 year ago

No longer can they hide their agenda. Our elected leaders and their unelected influencers, influencers who appear to hold more power over us than do our elected representatives, are pushing a transhumanist, posthuman agenda on us. They are “trans”ing our children, they are destroying the economy, and they are teaching people to hate themselves and one another as they force their anti-cultural, apocalyptic, and dystopian view of reality on us. This is resulting in the real pandemic of our time, namely the emergence of nihilistic despair due to a loss of the principle upon which Western society was built, namely that we are sovereign persons created in the image of God. This is causing people to ask, “What can I do, the problem is so much bigger than me?” And therein lies the cause of our despair. But the West is rescued from nihilism every time we remember the legacy of those who have gone before who offered us solutions to this dilemma. Indeed, this is why my previous vodcast and blog featured Hans Nilsen Hauge. His legacy of placing the Kingdom of God first had enormous influence on spirituality and the economy. Hauge had paved the way for Norway to become a self-governing democracy free of its foreign overlords whose laws didn’t serve the Norwegian people.

Yet there is a movement in our postmodern world which is telling us that these answers to old questions no longer apply. We are told Mankind’s future lies in creating what Nietzsche referred to as the “Übermensch”, the ultimate future man who would transcend his own humanity to become superhuman. Moreover, in doing so that he would create his own value structure. We are seeing advocates of AI computing technology promoted as the means of transcending human limitations. This is exemplified when our gender is defined as a shackle to be overcome and be changed at will. That being human is nothing more than a consciousness embodied in a meat sack lacking divine soul and spirit. Or that we are not as smart as we could be so let’s get a chip surgically implanted into our brains. Mankind is now attempting to transcend the limits of human intelligence without ever having learned to think properly. Or that zoom can effectively replace the need for person-to-person human interaction since our essence is contained in digital communications. Frankly, given these facts, it is no wonder people are left feeling hopeless and nihilistic. Everything the elitists are attempting to do to us flies in the face of human biology by rejecting the human spirit and our need for connection with the Divine. After all, we are not merely embodied consciousnesses piloting meatsuits, we are creatures created in God’s own image made to live in fellowship with Him and our fellow man.


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