Entering South America's Least Visited Country

2 years ago

This is the beginning of an almighty adventure around the globe as I take following the footsteps of many a brit before me into the distant lands that were once ruled by the largest empire the world has ever seen.

I start my journey in the only country in South America which was officially under the empires rule. The only english speaking country in Latin America I was shocked to discover it is also the least visited. After just a day I can see why people might not want to make the journey I have, but im sure of the next few days it'll all be worth it.

A cultural melting pot with an almost unbelievable mix of demographics, there is arguably no other country on earth who's culture has been so heavily effected by the actions within the empire.

Part Caribbean, part Indigenous America, part Indian, African and even some Chinese I cannot wait to explore, learn and laugh with the people, eat the food and share the journey along the way.

Welcome to Guyana

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