Matrix of a Deepstate: Alice Unfolds Trailer

2 years ago

WonderGateLeaks Gofundme:

Hello world,

My name is Veronika Verochka,

Owner and founder of WonderGateLeaks.

WonderGateLeaks was founded in 2013, to provide transparency and security for journalist internationally. Our goal is to show the world freedom press, how it truly matters , what significant role it plays in society to help better educate those who have less and do not have more.

Unlike the notorious WikiLeaks, we are not owned and operated under any agency or government. We are not infiltrated, and we do not want journalist harmed or exposed.

This is our mission statement:

Under WonderGateLeaks,

We are here in summary as our mission statement; no journalist should be harmed, and we will make sure journalists that send us information are not harmed.

For the sake of freedom of information, even the information unredacted...

All raw information (all information) containing journalists names will be blacked out.

Moving forward:

We are not going take action like Julian Paul Assange; signing contracts with DOD, Hillary Clinton getting DNC leaker Seth Rich assasinated; others as well.

We know that Stella Moris (Claimed: Julian Paul Assange's Wife) and Smith Robertson (Lawyer) is a fraud working for both, the United States Department of Defense’s Stephen M. Saideman and the current CIA director.

Stella Moris's real name is:
Sara Gonzalez Devant



We have been watching over:

300 Questions:

We are not associated with this entity.
Any claimes that we do will be denied.

We will have our onionshare address open as a test for what is to be a wild journey through the storm of the Deepstate.

Alice will be in charge of informtion gathering; no logs.

Mad Hatter will be the final stage of what will be known as leakypipe syndrome.

As you have already witnessed, there have already been .AES files published by us.

This is the leaky pipe syndrome test.

Mad Hatter is working on the whitehats.

Help support Wondergateleaks

Help Fund Raw freedom of Information.

If you've seen, the film, "diedsuddenly", you'll want to watch matrix of a deepstate: alice unfolds. to bypass apple and android censorship and see every post.

Matrix of a Deepstate Alice Unfolds
M2TS video format
20-Jun-2020 10:27
26 hrs long HD 2k 

Movie torrent file for computers:

Magnet Torrent Hash Info:


Video is played on VLC Player

The theroy is that the vaccine batch codes are connected to a central computer that sends out through a emergency broadcast system a frequency signal that then remotely kills the people from far away. The signal can travel many miles because the 5G connection is the routing systems through cell towers. The smart dust is the radar systems, and the transceiver is the data system for tracking, tracing, and targeting.

"THE ULTAMATE Targeted Individual Program in the world Exists as a kill switch."

Prequel Video:
Julian Assange talks about Smart Dust - Nanotechnology



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