1 year ago

They have control of most people minds right now. This is the full interview with Dr. Breggin behind "The Minds of Men" — a 40+ year old story that had not been told until he told it to Truthstream Media.

Dr. Breggin was a pioneer in exposing malpractice, unethical and criminal practices within psychiatry.

He gives here an account of his struggle against the so called 'psychosurgery' in the 70s, during a campaign launched to legitimize the destruction of the brain, through increasingly invasive and technological modes of intervention, that included implanted electrodes targeting behavior related minute areas in the brain, radio frequency (RF) monitoring and radio frequency (RF) activation of brain areas to control moods, attitude and thoughts.

Worse, the practitioners and agenda-makers who were pushing these criminal interventions in the private mind space were doing so on the basis of preemptively disabling those identified as ‘potentially violent.’As detailed in ‘The Minds of Men,’ the massive campaign underway to legitimize these criminal medical interventions was using mass shootings and assassinations as an excuse.

Sounds familiar? Yes, it does.
People to be "pacified" included mainly activists and political leaders, namely in the black community, and other potential "troublemakers" that is political liabilities and dissidents, but not offenders or convicted criminals. Not pedos either, to our greatest non-surprise.

The program also targeted what they had labelled “at risk” individuals throughout the layers of society, translating into individuals 'to be silenced' or 'to be used', for whatever reason. Dr. Breggin played in the 70s a pivotal role in shining a spotlight on these criminal practices, with a focus on the work of Dr. Jose Delgado, and doctors Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin and William Sweet.

Conclusion: the technology and means to resolve the main issues linked to criminality exist since long, needless to mention that for anyone sane in their minds, the emphasis and priority should have been placed on fighting crimes against children long ago.

Instead, we see a rise of criminalism, a pandemic of child abuse and exploitation, a dramatic increase in volume of human trafficking and slavery, all of these being proportional to the monumental surveillance apparatus deployed since 2001, supposed 'counter-terrorism' measures.
In parallel, we also observe a war on whistleblowers, truth tellers, and anyone else using their talents for good.

We can therefore safely conclude that the big tech surveillance arsenal, the above mentioned psychosurgery tools that our days have evolved into remote neuromonitoring and neurohacking, and the carousel of liberticide measures are tools of oppression and control, means to achieve total control and enslavement of the masses. They were never meant to ensure anyone's safety, except of the few talking about 'hacking everyone else's brain'.

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