Luciferians Run Society and Are Candy-Coating Their Death-Pills, Dont Bite The Candy-Hook

1 year ago

Nobody will take that brainchip out of your skull once it is installed... It is a one way ticket into their designed "Hell."
These Luciferians want to sell you on wanting their tool to extinct you.
They lie about "brainwaves"... they have to covertly implant an interface chip into your brain in order to monitor and inject thoughts... "brainwaves" are a lie to hide the needed implant: as described by Polina Anikeeva and have been under research for over 50 years:

We are not the first failing-civilization, you see: due to the treacherous ancient devils and their Luciferian-minions. Past civiliztions removed the brainchips the hard way by chipping the bone off of their skulls for access. This is why the Luciferians want you to accept their chip out of ignorance before you wisen-up to their lies.

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