Language Controls the Masses

2 years ago

IMO he’s fairly accurate. Shakespeare isn’t a person. Shakespeare is a reference to Pallas Athena, “The Spear Shaker”. Francis Bacon was a founder of Rosicrucianism and was more of a publisher. He collected and edited the works of his secret society, the “Order of the Helmet”, and published them under the anonymous “Pen” William Shakespeare. The “Order of the Helmet” is also a reference to the helmet warn by Athena which grants a person invisibility, like a secret society hidden in plane sight. A “Hidden Hand”.

Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom. None of this is about an ancient Goddess. It’s symbolic for the hidden knowledge of the ages, a cover for Luciferian knowledge passed down for centuries and the idea of a NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM. A “New Secular Order” of the ages. Or as Sir Francis Bacon called it “A New Atlantis”. He received the oral teaching from John Dee. Atlanta, Georgia is named after this idea.

Our Congress is dedicated to “the Ancient Wisdom”. You’ll note that a statue of Athena “The statue of freedom” sits atop Congress and the entire grounds is a massive owl (Athena’s symbol).

Letters are runes. You put runes together and you create spells. Word craft IS spell craft. The English language is crafted by members of secret societies to keep us “under their spell”.

Why do we say “Media” and not “News”?

The Good NEWS is the gospel preached to the 4 corners of the earth ([N]orth, [E]ast, [W]est, [S]outh).

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