308 vs 6.5 Creedmoor: Is 6.5 Creedmoor always the best long range round? Pt 4 of Mile Rifle

1 year ago

Many writers and video producers point to the superior trajectory of 6.5 Creedmoor vs 308 Winchester in an attempt to highlight a clear "winner." The truth, however, is more complicated than a single factor. When it comes time to pick the best long range cartridge for you, keep the following factors in mind.

First, read up on the history of each cartridge, because the initial purpose and parameters can limit not the just cartridge itself, but the rifles and components as well. For example, many magazines and other components for short-action rifles are defined by the initial 150-grain load of 308 Win. It's difficult to seat long projectiles for 308 if you're using a detachable magazine. That's where the 6.5 Creedmoor shines, allowing for VLD projectiles in rifles like the M1A and the AR10.

This leads to the #1 point in favor of 6.5 Creedmoor: its trajectory. The high-BC projectiles available in 6.5mm slice through the air much more efficiently than all but the most extreme 308 projectiles, and when you factor in muzzle velocity the 6.5mm Creedmoor remains supersonic longer and drops less. As a result, it also bucks the wind better. It's just plain easier to get on target.

The low recoil is also a big factor to consider. It's a good choice for young sportsmen and the recoil sensitive, but any gun owner can also appreciate the speed at which they can get back on target. Low recoil = quick follow-up rounds.

HOWEVER, 308 Winchester boasts some phenomenal advantages. The cartridge has been popular with sportsmen, competitors, and militaries for a very, very long time, making it the most developed cartridge of all time. You need a projectile for a specific task? Someone has made it in 308 caliber. We're talking about everything from simple FMJs all the way up to APIs, tracers, and sabots. This mass market extends to brass, tools, dies, powders, magazines, muzzle brakes, silencers, scopes, and various gun bits. Even the guns themselves are usually designed for 308 Winchester, with other chamberings available if the manufacturer feels like it.

Hardware aside, the knowledge base for 308 is IMMENSE. Trajectories, charts, loading data...nothing else compares to 308. For now. If 6.5 Creedmoor continues growing at its current rate and sees further military adoption, the choice may become a bit more difficult.

In my case, I chose 6.5 Creedmoor for this 1 mile rifle because of its superior trajectory, tantamount for hitting distant targets. Your mileage may vary when choosing 6.5 vs 308.

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Kyle Broderick, The Social Regressive

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