FBI Spies on Traditional Catholics - Biden State of the Union - Leftists Claim Victory

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Thursday, February 9th, 2023 – Feast of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich

Anne Catherine Emmerich was a German Catholic nun and mystic who lived in the early 19th century. Born into a poor farming family, she worked as a seamstress before joining Augustinian nuns at the convent of in Dülmen. She was known for her strict observance of religious life and for her religious ecstasies. In 1813, marks of the stigmata were reported on her body, causing a lengthy investigation by the ecclesiastical authorities. She had many mystical visions, including talking with Jesus and seeing the souls in purgatory. She died on 9 February 1824 in Dülmen and was buried in the graveyard outside the town, with a large number of people attending her funeral.

INTRO – Just 1 more day to the weekend. How was your week so far? Any success? Any mistakes? It’s always good to take a look at your week and make an examination of your week. Tomorrow we can start looking toward the weekend.
And – at 15 past the hour we will discuss the FBI coming after faithful Catholics. It’s not just Mark Houck, it may be you next.
Also – at 30 past the hour District Attorney Brent Haynes will join us to discuss the State of the Union.
And - In the next hour we will discuss the left declaring victory in the culture war

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What’s Concerning Us? – Life site news article reports on the FBI spying on Traditional Catholics.

Guest Seg. -District attorney Brent Haynes
-Catholic president Biden defends abortion
-Calls for banning guns
-Supports LGBT ideology
-Blames police for violent crime

2nd Hour – Vice News reports victory in the culture war

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