"Paul Clifford", Chapter 12, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

2 years ago

Up rouse ye then,
My merry, merry men!


If you followed along in chapter 11, the events of this chapter come as no surprise at all. But regardless, the details of the telling are good!

This chapter has a "footnote" that spans 3 pages of the book! It's too long for me to include here, you'll have to check the link below to give it a read. But it's not a very interesting footnote, kind of tedious and boring, actually. A bit of a head-scratcher why it was included.

crupper: a strap buckled to the back of a saddle and looped under the horse's tail to prevent the saddle or harness from slipping forward.

Oliver: the moon

duns: debt collectors

repeater: a feature of a mechanical watch or clock that chimes the hours and often minutes at the press of a button

sang froid: composure or coolness, sometimes excessive, as shown in danger or under trying circumstances

dickey: a rumble seat! Or it would be in an automobile. We're talking pre-automobile here, so probably a storage space in the carriage.

The picture used is "Captain Hind robbing Colonel Harrison in Maidenhead Thicket". James Hind was 17th century, but meh, it's a highwayman robbery so close enough.

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/7735/7735-h/7735-h.htm#link2HCH0012

There's two spots in this chapter where there is almost certainly an error in the wording, but since they are what is actually written into my text, I left them as is:
1) "What force?" asked Ned. should almost certainly be "What for?", and
2) "air of the blood" should almost certainly be "stir of the blood".

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